This sort of scandal in international banking has been politically costly. 国际银行业的这种丑闻一直以来都会造成极其恶劣的政治影响。
I'm not going to defer decisions just because they are not immediately politically popular. 我不会因为它们没有即刻在政治上受到欢迎就推迟作出这些决定。
America is the most intellectually, artistically and politically effervescent of nations. 美国是学术、艺术和政治氛围最活跃的国家。
He finds himself politically enfeebled. 他发现自己的政治势力变得衰弱。
These dictators have entrenched themselves politically and are difficult to move. 这些独裁者在政治上已经站稳了脚跟,很难推翻他们。
Governments frequently ignore human rights abuses in other countries if it is politically expedient to do so. 如果在政治上对自己有利,各国政府经常忽视其他国家侵犯人权的行为。
Further to your letter, I agree that there are some presentational problems, politically speaking. 正如贵方信中所提到的,我也认为从政治角度来说,有一些词语表意上的问题。
They have been galvanised into collective action — militarily, politically and economically. 他们在形势驱使下已经在政治、经济和军事上采取了联合行动。
He certainly was not politically inactive 他政治上当然不是无所作为。
Politically, I lean towards the right 政治上我属于右倾。
The crime was not politically motivated 该犯罪行为没有政治动机。
Their view was that he had been politically naive. 他们认为他在政治上一直很幼稚。
It occurred to Tom to wonder whether Jane was quite trustworthy. Not that he thought she was in any way politically active. 汤姆突然想到简是不是值得信任,并不是说他认为简有些热衷于政治。
Such power is politically dangerous and morally objectionable. 这样的权力在政治上极其危险,在道义上也令人反感。
Gershwin's lyrics would today probably be deemed politically incorrect. 格什温的歌词在今天很可能被视为政治上不正确。
The country was politically rudderless for almost three months. 政治上,这个国家已将近3个月群龙无首了。
It might not be safe politically for the President to leave the country. 总统离开国家可能会有政治上的危险。
Politically speaking, do you think that these moves have been effective? 从政治角度来说,你认为这些举措有效吗?
The country has made enormous strides politically but not economically. 该国在政治上取得了巨大的发展,但经济却跟不上去。
Douglas held his tongue, preferring not to speak out on a politically sensitive issue. 道格拉斯沉默不语,不愿谈论政治敏感问题。
While politically the Jeffersonians won power, in letters the conservative Federalist viewpoint seemed far more ably presented. 在政治上取得权势的是杰斐逊派,在文学上保守的联邦主义者似乎人才辈出。
She is politically aware. 她在政治上有头脑。
This is politically perilous. 这在政治上是危险的。
As an independent republic, they would be politically and economically isolated. 作为一个独产的共和国,他们将在政治和经济上受到孤立。
The enemy were defeated not only militarily but morally, psychologically and politically. 敌人不仅在军事上,并且在道义上、心理上和政治上都被打败了。
It's a very imbalanced relationship economically and now politically as well. 这是一个非常不平衡的经济关系,现在政治上也是这样了。
This is all good, economically and politically. 这种做法在经济上和政治上都非常好。