Go to the Hong Chong Road, left turn to the PolyU, then park your car at the Li Ka Shing Tower Car-Park, and go to14/ F by electric lift. 驾车者可经康庄道左转入香港理工大学(见下图),可停泊于李嘉诚楼停车场,再乘升降机按14/F直达「聚贤楼」中菜厅。
An entrepreneur contest for PolyU's student community with a focus on innovative technology/ product development. 透过创业比赛,鼓励理大学生探索创新科技和研究新产品。
An Review of Science and Technology Innovation Fair of China Juvenile; An entrepreneur contest for PolyU's student community with a focus on innovative technology/ product development. 中国青少年科技创新大赛的发展历程透过创业比赛,鼓励理大学生探索创新科技和研究新产品。
Whatever programme you choose, we will do our best to ensure that your time with PolyU is both rewarding and enjoyable. 无论你选读任何课程,我们都会全力以赴,让你在理大的日子过得充实和愉快。
It is also hoped that the PolyU community can join hands to make a new world record by forming a human rainbow. 此外,透过理大师生及校友的积极参与,希望能在当日一起制造一幅由最多人组成的彩虹图形,打破过往的世界纪录。
An experimental reduced-scale compartment, which is a 1/ 8-scale modeling of the PolyU/ USTC Atrium, is established. The experiments of smoke filling and mechanical exhaust during atrium fires are conducted. 以香港理工大学和中国科技大学合建的实体中庭为原型,按1/8比例建造了中庭火灾相似模型实验台,开展了烟气填充和机械排烟相似模型实验。
Analysis is made for smoke movement in large space buildings, and some fullscaletests for comparison are made in USTC and PolyU Test Hall. 对烟气在大空间建筑内的充填规律作了分析,并在中国科技大学与香港理工大学合建的大空间火灾实验厅内进行了若干轮试验。
A set of experiments is performed on PolyU palmprint database and NUDT palmprint database to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approaches. 3. 在PolyU和NUDT掌纹数据库上进行了一系列实验验证了该方法的有效性。