Effect of conjugative polyalcohol on the mechanical properties of rigid polyurethane foam 组合多元醇对硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料力学性能的影响
Propylene glycol, glycerin, polyalcohol can be used as starting substances of polyether demulsifiers. 聚醚类破乳剂的醇类起始剂有丙二醇、甘油或多元醇。
Research on the regularity of polyalcohol cloud point variation in drilling fluid and its application 聚合醇在钻井液中浊点变化规律研究及应用
It is made from maleic modified resin through esterification with polyalcohol. 醇溶性马林酸树脂是由马林酸改性松香与多元醇酯化而成。
Different from plugging wellbore stabilizers such as asphalt materials and polyalcohol, the wellbore stabilizing mechanism of silicate is chemical sealing and cementing action, while the latter approaches this target just by physical action, resulting in their relative weaker inhibiting ability. 硅酸盐稳定井壁的实质是一种化学封堵、固结作用,而沥青类、聚合醇类封堵型井壁稳定剂主要是通过物理作用来达到稳定井壁的目的,因而抑制能力相对较弱。
It is imperative to measure the effective composition of commercial poly-alcohols for determining the exact concentration of polyalcohol in drilling fluid and actual cost. 为确定各种聚合醇商业产品在钻井液中的准确加量及有效经济成本核算,测定商品中聚合醇有效含量已是当务之急。
The mud shale particles hydration is checked through altering their surface charge and compressing their diffused double layer with polyalcohol adsorbing. 多元醇吸附在泥页岩颗粒表面,改变其表面电荷,压缩扩散双电层,抑制泥页岩颗粒水化;
Affects of Polyalcohol Turbidity Point on Lubrication and Anti-Caving Properties of Drilling Fluids 聚合醇的浊点对钻井液润滑和防塌性能的影响
This paper has introduced the process of producing open cell polyurethane foam, and particularly discussed the effect of the different types and quantities of polyalcohol, catalysts, and surfactants impact on foam aperture, and analyzed the influences factors of foam reaction. 介绍了大孔径网状聚氨酯泡沫塑料的制备工艺,着重讨论了多元醇种类及不同用量的催化剂、表面活性剂对泡沫孔径和经络的影响,分析了影响发泡反应的多种因素。
Recent studying progressions on basic physical and chemical performances of polyalcohol surface active materials were presented and the performances include CMT, CMC, cloud point action and its influenced factors. 介绍了近期多元醇类表面活性物质的基本物理化学性能研究,如临界胶束温度CMT、临界胶束浓度CMC、浊点行为及影响因素。
Conclusion At concentrations for routine use, ethanol, long-chain quaternary ammonium salt, polyalcohol ether iodine, chlorine dioxide and 84 disinfection solution have good efficacy in killing A. 结论在常规使用浓度下,乙醇、长链季铵盐、聚醇醚碘、二氧化氯和84消毒液对黑曲霉菌杀灭效果较好;
The modified polyalcohol anti-sloughing agent has strong inhibitive, good oiliness and better hydrocarbon reservoir protection effect and it is beneficial to environmental protection. 改性多元醇防塌剂抑制性强,润滑性好,利于环保,而且具有较好保护油气层效果。
An experimental study on the performance of thermal storage application in the polyalcohol binary system of npg/ pe 多元醇NPG/PE二元体系贮热应用的实验研究
The results show that polyalcohol phosphate ester and K_2Cr_2O_7 both could attain good inhibition effects with the inhibition efficiency of 98% and 99% above, respectively. 试验结果表明,多元醇磷酸酯与K2Cr2O7均具有极好的缓蚀效果,缓蚀率分别可达98%和99%以上。
Development of modified polyalcohol anti-sloughing agent and its anti-sloughing mechanisms 改性多元醇防塌剂的研制及其作用机理研究
Studies of Inhibition Effects of Polyalcohol Phosphate Ester and K_2Cr_2O_7 Inhibitors on Carbon Steel, Aluminum and Stainless Steel 多元醇磷酸酯及K2Cr2O7缓蚀剂对碳钢、铝、不锈钢缓蚀作用的研究
In order to solve environmental pollution, increase production of oil and gas and economic benefit, polyalcohol drilling fluid is developed. 聚合醇钻井液是近年来为解决环境伤害、提高油气产量和钻井综合效益而研制的一种新型钻井液体系;
The preparation and application of starch/ polyalcohol vinyl ( PVA) composites are introduced. The advantages and disadvantages of solution casting, blending extrusion and moulding are discussed. 介绍了淀粉/PVA生物降解塑料的制备方法,并分析了溶液流延法、共混挤出和模压成型法的优缺点,阐述了这些技术在淀粉/PVA塑料制备中的进展。
Based on the strict requirements of safely and fleetly deep drilling and reservoir protection to drilling fluid in drilling engineering, the modified polyalcohol anti-sloughing agent was developed and then a new alcohol drilling fluid was gained through screening other additives and optimizing formulation. 基于钻井工程中安全快速钻进及油气层保护对钻井液的严格要求,开发出了改性多元醇防塌剂,在此基础上通过优选其他处理剂和配方优化研制出了一种新型醇类钻井液。
Span-80, a typical polyalcohol non-ionic surfactant materials, was the product of inner etherify of sorbitol dehydration and esterifying with oleic acid. 山梨醇酐单油酸酯(Span-80)是一种典型的多元醇型非离子表面活性剂,由山梨醇失水内醚化并与油酸发生酯化反应生成。
Lubricity of polyalcohol drilling fluid influenced from temperature was also studied and mechanism of polyalcohol surface active material as drilling fluid lubricant was investigated in the paper. 研究了温度对多元醇钻井液体系润滑性能的影响,探讨了多元醇类表面活性物质作为钻井液润滑剂的作用机理。
The waste PET scraps was degradated with low molecular mixed polyalcohol. 用小分子混合醇降解废聚酯碎片。
The principle and method of producing XDB-1 type of unsaturated polyester resin from waste PET bottles as the main raw material and polyacid and polyalcohol as auxiliary material were studied. 研究了以废聚酯瓶片为主要原料,辅以多元醇和多元酸制备新对苯型(XDB-1)不饱和聚酯树脂的原理和方法;
The addition of polyalcohol made the viscosity of pigment dispersion increasing and surface tension decreased slightly. 多元醇使颜料分散体系粘度增加,表面张力略有下降。
Finally, ATPS of polyalcohol/ salt was used to extract proteins and enzymes. 最后,采用二元醇/无机盐双水相体系对蛋白质进行分离提取。