Objective: Quantitative analysis of four polybasic alcohols and condensation alcohols. 目的:对多元醇及多元缩合醇的定量分析。
Long-chain fatty amine, acrylate, polybasic amine and chloroacetic acid were used to make a kind of dyeing auxiliaries with super performance which can be dried to powder and added to dyestuff. 以长链烷基伯胺、丙烯酸酯和有机多元胺、氯乙酸等为原料,合成了一种性能优良的匀染增艳剂,可干燥成粉剂直接与染料复配。
This paper introduces a polybasic polycondensated resin adhesive. 提出了一种多元共缩聚树脂胶粘剂。
Packing: Sweaters are warned in polybasic and packed in standard export cardboard carton. 包装:针织套衫用聚乙烯塑料袋包装,装入出口用标准纸板箱。
Under the certain social circumstance and cultural backgrounds, the culture of Tu nationality which regards religious culture as its main contents is proceeding and turning polybasic. 以宗教文化为主要内容的土族文化在一定社会环境和社会文化背景当中,因受社会因素的影响和制约而进行着变迁并呈现出多元化的现象。
Preparation of triglyceride polybasic carboxylic acid by ozonolysis of castor oil 乙酰蓖麻酸甲氧基乙酯臭氧氧化蓖麻油制备甘油三酸酯多元酸的研究
Polyester resins are the condensation products of polybasic acids and polyols. 聚酯树脂是多元酸和多元羟基化合缩聚而成。
Effect of Aging Treatment on Hardness and Electrical Conductivity of Polybasic Copper Alloy 时效处理对多元铜合金硬度和电导率的影响
Analysis Study on Polybasic and Higher Fatty Acids in Domestic and Foreign Cigarettes 国内外卷烟多元酸和高级脂肪酸的分析研究
During the research, high efficiency polybasic solid catalyst has been prepared, scaling-up problem of preparing tri-long-chain alkyl tertiary amine has been settled, and corresponding amination process flow and equipment have been designed. 研究过程中制备了高效多元固体催化剂,解决了三长链烷基叔胺制备的放大问题,设计了相应的胺化工艺流程和设备。
A range of waterborne alkyd resins has been prepared by fatty acid process, based on soybean fatty acid, trimellitic anhydride, and various polyols and polybasic carboxylic acids, which are modified with benzoic acid, maleic anhydride and oleic acid. 通过脂肪酸法,选用豆油脂肪酸、偏苯三甲酸酐和不同的多元醇、多元酸制备了一系列水性醇酸树脂,用苯甲酸、顺丁烯二酸酐和油酸对其改性进行了研究。
The Monte Carlo method to the system of polybasic acids; MonteCarlo法适用于多元酸体系;
A Monte Carlo simulation of low energy electron scattering in multilayer and polybasic medium is performed on the basis of a physical model describing the low energy electron scattering. 建立了一个适用于描述低能电子散射的物理模型,利用MonteCarlo方法对低能电子在多元多层介质中的散射过程进行模拟。
Determination of Mixed Polybasic Acid by Potentiometric Titration-Computer Optimization Method 电位滴定&计算机最优化法测定混合多元酸组份浓度与电离常数
The genetic divergence of the quantitative characters of sunflower related to the yield was studied by using polybasic analysis. 本文运用多元分析法测定了向日葵与产量有关的数量性状的遗传距离。
The Influence of Polybasic Alcohol on the Properties of Organic Silicon Resin with Polyester Modification 多元醇对聚酯改性有机硅树脂性能的影响
A calculating analytical method based on Gordon model and with the aid of optimization for determining dissociation constants as well as contents of mixed polybasic acids is presented. 本文以Gordon模型为基础,借助于最优化方法,建立了解析混合多元酸的离解常数和含量的计算分析方法。
In this paper, the ion exchange equilibria of binary system and polybasic system are discussed in a systematic way. 本文系统地讨论了二元体系和多元体系的离子交换平衡。
Calculating and Plotting Titration Curve of Polybasic Acid 多元酸滴定pH的计算和滴定曲线绘制
Indium reacts with added organic polybasic acid to form a complex, which can be used as the medium of the synthetic reaction, eliminating the harmful affect of indium salt hydrolysis on the synthetic reaction. 添加有机多元酸与铟形成络合物作为合成反应的中间体,解决了铟盐水解对合成反应的有害影响。
Polybasic Ester-Carbon PVC Membrane Sensor and Its Application in Potentiometric Titration 多元酸酯系-PVC膜碳传感器的研制及电位滴定中的应用
The Factors and Condition in Determination of Each Acid Content From Mixture of Strong and Polybasic Acids 在强酸与多元酸混合酸中影响各组分酸含量测定的因素及条件
This paper manipulates the titration system of polybasic acid ( phosphoric acid), based on acid-base equilibrium theory and acid-base proten theory. It accurately calculates the pH of the solution among the titration procedure and plots its titration curve. 本文根据酸碱平衡理论和酸碱质子理论对多元酸(磷酸)的滴定体系进行处理,准确计算了其滴定过程中溶液的pH值,并绘制出其滴定曲线。
Cooperative effect of polybasic acid and adenine nucleotide on electron transport and photophosphorylation 多元酸和腺核苷酸对电子传递及光合磷酸化的共同作用
Cluster analysis of polybasic acids and higher fatty acids in flue-cured tobacco leaves in Yunnan and overseas 云南及部分国外烤烟多元酸和高级脂肪酸聚类分析
The modified Bethe formula in polybasic medium is used for calculating energy loss of LEE inelastic scattering. 给出多元介质中修正的Bethe方程计算低能电子非弹性散射能量损失。
This paper analyzed the failure of the salt pump. According to the principle of high benefit and low cost. The polybasic low alloy iron was test in application to salt pump and had achieved considerable economic benefit. 本文通过对输盐泵失效机制的分析,本着高效益低投入的原则,对多元低合金铸铁在输盐泵上的应用进行了研究试验,取得了较大的经济效益。
A Study of Intelligent Evaluation for Dissociation Constants of Unknown Polybasic Acid 智能求解未知多元酸各级离解常数的研究
Through the quantitative analysis of different kinds of ions joining in the reaction of oxidizing reduction, and the reaction between polybasic acid or acid salt and alkali, we can see the correct reaction equation of ion and the corresponding relation between the quantities of the reactants. 通过对多种离子参加氧化&还原反应、多元弱酸(或酸式盐)与可溶性强碱反应的定量分析.归纳出离子反应方程式的正确书写与反应物的用量之间的对应关系。
Determination of Each Acid Content in Mixture of Strong and Polybasic Acids 强酸与多元酸混合物中各组分酸含量测定方法研究