Comparing Measurement of Blood-Oxygen Dissociation Curve in Normol Tibetan and Han Nationalities and High Altitude Polycythaemia Patients 高原红细胞增多症患者及藏、汉族正常人血氧解离曲线的对比测定
Randomized Controlled Trial of Isotonic Saline Versus Albumin in Partial Exchange Transfusion for the Treatment of Neonatal Polycythaemia 生理盐水与白蛋白部分换血治疗新生儿红细胞增多症对照研究
Blood Volume Assay on Polycythaemia Vera 真性红细胞增多症的血容量分析
Acute neurological events in a patient with secondary polycythaemia and arteriovenous malformations 继发性红细胞增多症和动静脉畸形患者急性神经病学事件