The additive mass and the accession rate of emulsifier have both effect on average size and polydispersity of the latex during seeded emulsion polymerizing. 种子乳液聚合中,补加单体的量、乳化剂的补加速度等对最终聚苯乙烯乳胶粒粒径和粒径分布均产生较大影响。
Addition of latex to a clay suspension can disrupt the platelet platelet association, also raises the polydispersity of a coating, at the meantime increases coating pigment stability. 胶乳加到高岭土悬浮液中能瓦解片状高岭土的聚集,提高了涂料的多分散性,同时增加了涂料的稳定性。
The generated polymers exhibit good solubility in water, controlled molecular weights and narrow polydispersity. 这类高分子具有良好的水溶性,展现出分子量高度可控性和窄的分子量分布。
Its size distribution, polydispersity and Zeta potential were determined by nanoparticle size analyzer; 用纳米粒度仪测量粒度分布、多分散性和Zeta电位;
The particle diameter and its polydispersity were determined with laser dynamic light-scattering method. 采用激光动态光散射法检测粒度与粒度分布。
The data of GPC indicate that the number-average molecular is 4934 and the polydispersity is 1.978 with a narrow molecular distribution. GPC测得共聚物的数均分子量为4934,多分散指数是1.978,具有较窄的分子量分布。
The molecular weight, molecular weight polydispersity and molecular weight distribution of poly ( p-phenylene sulfide)( PPS) were characterized by high temperature gel permeation chromatography ( GPC) using universal calibration. 通过高温凝胶渗透色谱(GPC),采用普适校准法对线性聚苯硫醚树脂(PPS)的摩尔质量、多分散系数以及摩尔质量分布进行测定。
By measuring the molecular weight distribution, it was found that after APMP pulping the macromolecule structure of bamboo lignin was broken down, and the average molecular weight of lignin decreased, also the polydispersity of it increased. 凝胶色谱分析表明,经过APMP法制浆后,竹材木素大分子结构被碎解,磨木木素分子量减小,多分散性增加;
Particle size, polydispersity and zeta potential were determined by nanoparticle size analyser. 用纳米粒度分析仪测定粒径、多分散度和zeta电位;
The polymers were characterized by Fourier trans-form infrared spectroscopy ( FT-IR). Acid value, molecular weight and polydispersity index ( PDI) of the polymers were determined by non-aqueous titration method and gel permeation chromatography ( GPC), respectively. 用红外光谱(FT-IR)表征了产物分子结构,用非水滴定方法分析了产物的酸值,用凝胶渗透色谱(GPC)测定了聚合物分子量和分子量多分散系数。
The changes of molecular weight, molecular weight distribution ( polydispersity), loss weight, composition of the polymer and thermal properties were determined by SEM, GPC,~ 1H-NMR and DSC techniques, furthermore the dynamic and static degradation mechanism is discussed. 采用SEM、GPC1、H-NMR和DSC技术研究了聚合物在降解过程中形貌、分子量及分子量分布、失重率、组成和热性能的变化,并对降解机理进行探讨。
Many factors, for example the concentration and mass of the latex, the average size and the polydispersity of the latex, the clean degree of the glass substrate, have important effects on the order of the polystyrene colloidal crystal. 乳胶粒子的浓度及用量、粒径大小及分布、玻璃基片表面的洁净程度等对所形成的二维胶体晶体的有序性有十分重要的影响。
The experimental result indicates that the temperature of polymerization, oil/ water, the concentration and speed adding of emulsification have an effect on the particle average size and polydispersity. 实验结果表明,聚合温度、油/水质量比、乳化剂浓度及补加速度对胶粒大小和尺寸分布产生较大影响。
After investigation of the various parameters associated with this process, it is found that the lipid/ carrier ratio, the type of carriers and lipid compositions are the key factors affecting the size and the polydispersity of liposome preparations. 实验表明,载体和磷脂的质量比,载体种类以及所用的磷脂种类,可以影响脂质体的粒度和粒度分布。
The benzyl ring was opened; the molecular weight of bamboo lignin was decreased and the polydispersity was increased after GIF biomimetic treatment. 此外,GIF仿酶处理后,竹子木素分子量下降,多分散性提高。
Polydispersity of Network Chain Length and the Heterogeneity of the Anionic Block Copolymerized Styrene-Divinylbenzene Networks 阴离子嵌段共聚的交联聚苯乙烯的网络链长多分散性与网络结构非均一性
RESULTS The encapsulation efficiency of the methotrexate reached 60%, and the particle size of the liposome was 627.8 nm with the polydispersity index of 0.131. The concentration of the encapsulated Fe_ 2 O_ 3 was 116.1 μ g. 结果甲氨蝶呤磁靶向脂质体的包封率大于60%,平均粒径为627.8nm,多分散系数为0.131,每毫升脂质体乳浊液包裹铁磁性物质为116.1μg,具有良好的稳定性。
The magnetic nanoparticle size, size distributions, polydispersity etc were determined by photon correlation spectroscopy ( PCS) and transmission electron microscopy ( TEM). 用光子相关光谱仪与透射电镜测定了磁性纳米微粒的粒径大小、粒径分布和多分散度等。
The influences of the way of initiation and the concentration of the chain transfer agent on molecular weight distribution were investigated. It was found that the higher concentration of the chain transfer agent led to the narrower the polydispersity. 分别对引发方式、链转移剂浓度等因素对分子量分布影响做了简要探索,发现链转移浓度越高分子量分布越窄。
Because of the polydispersity of molecular weight, the interaction between high molecular weight components and low molecular weight of components is one of the main factors in affecting crystallization behavior of polymer. 由于高聚物分子量的多分散性,高分子量组分与低分子量组分之间存在的相互作用也是影响聚合物结晶行为的一个主要因素。
The performance of the algorithm was verified by inversion of measured mono-dispersed and polydispersity data. 通过反演实测的单分散和多分散数据,验证了算法的性能。
Simulation demonstrated that intramolecular cyclization and steric hindrance play crucial influences on molecular parameters such as molecular weight, polydispersity index. The A2+ B3 system has high gelation sensitivity to the concentration and feed ratio of monomers and reactivity of functional groups. 模拟证明了分子内成环与空间位阻对聚合体系的分子量,多分散指数等的影响,凝胶点与单体浓度、单体摩尔比与官能团活性有强依赖性。
For the purpose of studying stability, characteristics such as particle diameter, polydispersity, critical association concentration ( CAC) and morphology of micelles were monitored and compared before and after crosslinked reaction. 本实验对交联反应前后胶束的性质,如粒径大小、粒径分布、临界聚集浓度(CAC)和微观形貌等进行了分析和对比,并对所得胶束的稳定性进行了初步的探讨。
GPC results show that the number average molecular weight ( Mn), weight average molecular weight ( Mw) and polydispersity of the polystyrene iniferter using as photoinitiator were calculated 920,1340, and 1.46, respectively. GPC结果表明,作为光引发剂的Iniferter聚苯乙烯的数均分子量(Mn),体重平均分子量(Mw)和使用分子量分布进行了计算,分别是9201340,和1.46。
The molecular weight, polydispersity and the molecular conformation of hyperbranched polymer are difficult to quantitatively analyze and predict by mean-field theory due to its inability in introducing the space effect. 由于平均场理论在反应体系中无法引入空间效应,超支化大分子的分子量、多分散性以及分子构象很难进行定量研究和预测。