SSR molecular markers were widely applied in soybean researches due to its codominance, highly polymorph, abundance with random distribution in soybean genome, etc. SSR分子标记因具有共显性、多态性丰富、在大豆基因组中分布广等众多优点而被广泛应用于大豆研究中。
According to the tooltips, Swift Flight Form, Flight Form, Aquatic Form, Travel Form, Bear Form, Cat Form no longer make you immune to Polymorph. 飞行形态,迅捷飞行形态,水生形态,旅行形态,熊形态,和猫形态法术说明上没有免疫变形法术的提示了。
Polymorph viruses are the real masters of disguise. They change their own programming codes-and are therefore very hard to detect. 多态病毒是真正的隐藏高手。他们可以改变他们自己的编程代码-因此也非常难以被发现。
Andalusite is a polymorph with two other minerals, Kyanite and Sillimanite. 红柱石属多晶型物,含蓝晶石和硅线石两种不同矿物。
Nanometer MnO_2: Hydrothermal Synthesis and Effect of Salt Modifiers on Polymorph& Morphology 纳米MnO2:水热法制备及盐对晶型和形貌的影响
Given that they are already hard to root, snare, or polymorph, we think the fear immunity from Berserk is too much. 他们已经不会被绑,被诱捕或是被变形。我们认为凶暴带来的恐惧免疫有点过了。
Seal of Wrath applies to non damaging attacks causing it to break Polymorph. 神罚圣印作用于非伤害型攻击时会打破变形术。
Mirror Image: The images no longer cast Polymorph. 镜像术:镜像不再释放变形术。
Creature versions of the Polymorph spell no longer heal the affected target. 怪物所使用的变羊术将不再恢复生命。
But the lack of tumor specific antigens, the limitation of MHC and the polymorph of tumor cells are the major factors of the low effect of tumor vaccine. 但是由于缺乏特异抗原和有效的抗原递呈,以及MHC的限制和肿瘤异质性等原因,使现有肿瘤疫苗的使用范围和效果相当有限。
AIM The purpose is to establish a FTIR method for the assay of the chloramphenicol palmitate polymorph A. 目的:建立红外分光光度法测定棕榈氯霉素A晶型的方法。
Cultivation of the Single Crystal of γ-glycine and Analysis of the Polymorph and Crystal Habit 甘氨酸γ-晶型的单晶培养及晶型和晶习分析
In this paper the two major elements& graphitization(μ) and the content of graphite rhombohedral polymorph ( R_h) have been studied for the first time on the quantitative basis. 本文首次定量地研究了表征石墨晶体结构完善程度的两个要素,即石墨化程度(μ)和石墨菱面体多型(Rh)含量。
Limit test of Polymorph A in the chloramphenicol palmitate suspension on Ch. P. ( 2000) and Ch. 中国药典(2000)棕榈氯霉素混悬液中A晶型限量检查法采用A、B两种晶型两个峰位处的基线校正法。
Antral mucosa biopsies from 22 cases of HP infection with chronic gastritis and 6 cases without HP infection were quantitatively studied by computer linked image analysis system ( CLIAS) for the polymorph ( P/ mm2) and mononuclear neutrophil cell ( MNC/ mm2). 本文用计算机图像分析系统对22名HP感染的慢性胃炎病人和6名无HP感染者的胃窦粘膜中多核白细胞(P/mm~2)和单个核白细胞(MNC/mm~2)做了定量计数分析。
An Analysis of the Automatic Polymorph Mechanism of Computer Viruses 计算机病毒自动变形机理的分析
This system has functions of polymorph prediction and alarm, multi_layer image fast search mapping for water transfer and distribution pipeline, design and optimization reform scheme supply, cost auditing and analysis, and water supply auxiliary equipment maintenance scheme supply. 该系统具有多态预测报警,供水输配管网(当前、历史)资料多图层快速搜索成图、设计与优化改造方案的提供、成本核算与分析及供水辅助设施维修方案的提供等功能;
Infrared characteristic absorption peak position identification of the chloramphenicol palmitate polymorph B and its preparation 棕榈氯霉素B晶型及其制剂的红外特征吸收峰峰位鉴别法
Polymorph Control Mechanism of Antimony White Powders by Hydrolysis 水解法锑白的晶型结构控制机理
In this paper, the progress in five aspects including application and development, kinetics, mixing and agglomeration, crystal shape and polymorph and supercritical fluid dilution crystallization were reviewed for dilution crystallization. 本文从应用开发、动力学、聚集与混合、晶形与多晶型、超临界流体溶析结晶五个方面回顾了溶析结晶的研究进展。
The aqueous solution of sucrose was used as an effective soft-template to regulate and control the crystallization of CaCO_3. The results indicate that the sucrose has effect not only on the polymorph but also on their morphology and size of CaCO_3 crystal. 3以蔗糖为模板,研究了其对碳酸钙晶体生长的调控作用。研究结果表明,蔗糖不但对碳酸钙晶体的形貌和颗粒大小产生了显著的影响,而且改变了晶体的结晶状态。
The Study On Anti-Virus Engine Of Polymorph Virus 针对多态病毒的反病毒检测引擎的研究
Modeling and prediction of solubility is a key to develop polymorph crystal growth and crystallization process. 溶解度的测定与预测对于多晶型体的晶体生长和结晶过程中的多晶型控制至关重要。
Study on typing of Staphylococcus aureus by random amplification of polymorph DNA 金黄色葡萄球菌随机扩增DNA多态性分型研究
The Scanning electron microscopy is used to study the morphological features of porcelaneous layers on surface of freshwater cultured pearls from Zhuji, Zhejiang Province, and the calcium carbonate polymorph of porcelaneous layers is identified by X-ray powder diffraction. 采用扫描电子显微镜对中国浙江诸暨三角帆蚌养殖珍珠表面特别是无珍珠光泽的瓷质层的微形貌进行了研究,并采用X射线粉晶衍射对瓷质层进行了物相鉴定。
However, the potency of tumor vaccines is not so forceful. The lack of tumor specific antigens, the short of effective antigen-present, the limitation of MHC, the polymorph of tumor cells and the low bioavailability are the major factors. 但由于存在缺乏特异性肿瘤抗原和有效的抗原提呈,以及MHC限制性、肿瘤异质性、疫苗生物利用度差等问题,使得现有疫苗的免疫效果不尽人意。
The effect of template on the crystal polymorph and morphology of products were explored by X-ray diffract meter ( XRD) and scanning electron microscope ( SEM). 利用X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)考察模板对产物晶型、形貌的影响。
Polymorphism is one of the most important aspects of explosive. The density, sensitivity, stability and detonation performance of explosive will be affected by the existence of different polymorphs. The pure polymorph crystals shall be prepared to satisfied the demand of applications. 多晶型现象是炸药研究的重要方面,不同晶型晶体的存在会影响炸药的密度、感度、稳定性、爆轰性能等,需制备纯晶型晶体以满足使用要求。
The influence of growth conditions such as the kind of precipitants, solution supersaturation, ionic liquids content and temperature on polymorph, morphology, quality of crystals was discussed. 考察了沉淀剂种类、溶液过饱和度、离子液体的含量、结晶温度等实验参数的改变对溶菌酶晶型、晶体形貌和品质的影响。