Effect of Nano-BaSO_4 on Color Properties of High Concentration Polyolefine Masterbatch 纳米硫酸钡对高浓度聚烯烃色母粒色彩性能的影响
The foamed materials were prepared by compression molding, and antistatic agent was applied to polyolefine. 在聚烯烃中添加抗静电剂,采用模压法制备了发泡材料。
Painting adhesion and surface treatment of polyolefine plastics 聚烯烃塑料的涂装附着性及表面处理
Price analysis and forecast of polyolefine and synthetic fibre 聚烯烃和合成纤维价格分析与预测
Development Trend of Polyolefine Flame Retardant 聚烯烃阻燃剂的发展动态
Advances in Filling Modification Technology of Polyolefine 聚烯烃填充改性技术进展
This paper has briefly reviewed the structure and characteristics of metallocene, and its application in production of polyolefine. 本文简要介绍了茂金属催化剂的结构特点及在聚烯烃生产中的应用。
The effect of molecular weight and molecular weight distribution on the physical and mechanical properties of polyolefine 聚烯烃分子量及分子量分布对其物理机械性能的影响
Study on polyolefine engineering plastics 聚烯烃工程塑料的研究
Study on polyolefine filling agent 聚烯烃填充剂的研究
Development and application of polyolefine processing modifier 聚烯烃加工改性剂的研制与应用
Processing technology of polyolefine coating metal 聚烯烃涂覆金属的工艺技术
Synthesis and Properties of SBS/ MMA/ BA/ MAA Adhesive for Polyolefine 聚烯烃塑料用胶粘剂SBS/MMA/BA/MAA的合成与性能研究
Study on SBS Tetrabasic Grafted Adhesives for Polyolefine 聚烯烃用SBS四元接枝改性粘合剂的研究
Dibenzylidene sorbitol and its derivatives were widely used as nucleating agent in polyolefine plastics. 二亚苄基山梨糖醇及其衍生物是一类应用效果好、市场前景比较广阔的聚烯烃塑料透明化成核剂。
Supply and demand situations of Asia polyolefine and their influence on China 亚洲聚烯烃供需形势及对我国的影响
The properties 、 current status and application of low-smoke low-halogen flame-retardant PVC wire and cable compounds and low-smoke non-halogen flame-retardant polyolefine wire and cable compounds were emphatically introduced. 主要介绍了低烟低卤阻燃聚氯乙烯电线电缆料和低烟无卤阻燃聚烯烃电线电缆料的性能、现状和应用。
Study on the syntheses of α-substituted polyolefine improved room temperature vulcanized silicone rubbers 聚烯烃接枝改性室温硫化硅橡胶的合成研究
Exploration of the Application of Hot Melt Coating for the Polyolefine Products and Its Interface Structure 探讨聚烯烃热熔制品涂覆的应用与界面结构
The advances of liquid catalyst technology in Unipol gas phase polyolefine process Unipol气相法聚烯烃液体催化剂技术进展
The Effect of Vibration Plasticating Extrusion on Properties of Polyolefine Sheets 振动塑化挤出对聚烯烃片材性能的影响
Maleic anhydride grafted polyethylene or ethylene-propylene-diene rubber used as compatibilizer improved impact strength and reduced percent of water absorption of polyamide 6/ polyolefine blends. 以马来酸酐接枝聚乙烯和三元乙丙橡胶为界面相容剂,研制的尼龙6/聚烯烃共混物,提高了冲击强度,降低了吸水率。
Advances in Preparation of Polyolefine/ Lamellar Silicate Nano-composites by Intercalation Method 熔融插层制备聚烯烃/层状硅酸盐纳米复合材料研究进展
Study on rheological behavior and application of NPA polyolefine processing additives NPA型聚烯烃加工助剂的流变性研究及其应用
A new family of metallocene-based polyolefine ( MPO) is evaluated. Many properties of MPO, including clarity, flexibility, low temperature ductility and thermoplastic elastomer behavior are emphasized. 对金属茂聚烯烃(MPO)的许多优良特性,如透明性、柔韧性、低温韧性和热塑性弹性体行为等进行了综述。
Because the metallocene polyolefine has unique isotacticity and good physical mechanics performance, it has caused the material and the industrial field enormous attention, with a rapidly research upsurge on the metallocene polymer. 由于茂金属聚烯烃所具有的独特的立构规整性和良好的物理力学性能,引起了材料界和产业界的极大关注,迅速形成了茂金属聚合物的研究热潮。
The work is a primary study of the coloring process of metal color in manufacturing procedure for polyolefine film. 由此初步探索和总结了聚烯烃类塑料薄膜生产过程中的金属色着色工艺方法。
Assuming that the increase in concentration of monomers or radicals to a certain value is the breakdown criterion of samples, the life time of electrical ageing in polyolefine compounds has been found. 假定单体和自由基达到一定浓度作为击穿的临界条件,导出了聚烯烃化合物电老化的寿命公式,给现有的电老化经验公式赋于了物理化学意义;
Non-polarity, low surface anergy and weak surface layer, etc. may be the major causes of the lower painting adhesion of polyolefine plastics, such as polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene and teflon. 分析了聚烯烃塑料,诸如聚乙烯、聚丙烯、聚苯乙烯和聚四氟乙烯涂装附着性低的原因&无极性、低表面自由能和弱界面层存在等。