Of course, I'm simplifying things quite a bit: In polyphony, harmonies do emerge from the separate voices, and rhythm isn't completely ignored. 当然,我作了相当的简化:在复音中,确实有不同声音的和声,节奏也没有完全忽略。
Polyphony of Me& An Interpretation of the three dreamlands in The Murderer by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky 我的复调&关于陀思妥耶夫斯基小说《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》中三个梦境的解读
Research focused on polyphony theory, dialogue theory, carnival theory, but related heteroglossia theory lacked s. 关于杂语理论,也有相关的研究成果,但缺乏系统性的研究。
The Polyphony Technique in Mongolian Folk Multi-Voice Part Music 蒙古族民间多声部音乐中的复调技法
The composer uses mans vocal as material, transforms the material by such means as cutting, reorganization, repetition, and then organizes it together by using the thought of polyphony. 在作品中,作曲家以人的语言音响为素材,对其进行切分、重组、重复等变化方式将素材变形,并运用复调音乐的思维方式将它们组织在一起。
The main courses include Chinese Traditional Music Theories, Solfeggio, Harmony, Polyphony, Musical Analysis and Rehearsal. 主要课程包括中国传统音乐理论、视唱练耳、和声、复调、曲式、乐队训练等。
The main courses include Theory of Composition, Harmony, Polyphony, Musical Analysis and Orchestration. 主要课程包括:作曲技术理论、和声、复调、曲式、配器等。
Polyphony and Multi-interpretations: On Power Relationship of Discourses in Babel's Novels 复调特色与多样解读:巴别尔小说中话语层次的权力关系
Hayden was an African American poet who managed, in this brief epic, to bring the slave trade into lyrical focus with a polyphony of voices. 海登是一个非裔美国诗人,他专注于描写奴隶贸易的多韵抒情叙事诗。
Plurality and Polyphony in The Canterbury Tales 试论《坎特伯雷故事》的多元与复调
Modern society is in an era of cultural polyphony composed of mainstream culture, refined culture, and public culture. 现代社会是一个由主流文化、精英文化和大众文化所构成的文化复调时代。
In his instrumental music, perfect combining of various Polyphony technique and full-bodied northwest geographical characteristics represents his distinctive music style. 其所创作的大量器乐作品尤以西方传统复调技法和西北地域风格相结合为显著特色。
My instinctive need was for polyphony, harmony, not this single thin tone of a violin, so often out of tune, always dependent on an accompanist. 我的本能要的是复音和和谐音,而不是单薄的小提琴音,因此经常走音,常常依赖伴奏。
Now that musicians have truly begun to explore the effects of polyphony, where different melodies combine to wonderful effect, music is becoming progressively more popular. 音乐家们通过复调技法,将不同旋律糅合在一起构成美妙曲调,令音乐为更多民众所喜爱。
Through its polyphony, its blend of genres and the scrutiny that the act of writing subjects itself to, the book recalls German Romanticism's magnificent concept of a universal poetry. 通过多声部的叙事,体裁的交叉和内省的写作方式,让人想起德国浪漫派关于世界诗的宏伟观念。
In contrast to open dialogue, sub-dialogue is greatly different from what Bakhtin called 'polyphony'. 作为与对话(公开对话)相对而言的潜对话,与巴赫金所说的复调有着明显的差异。
Based on the perspective of inheriting tradition, the polyphony in his work is as creative as his harmony. 与他具有创造性的和声语言一样,其复调语言在继承古典传统基础上,也有许多突破,尤其体现在那些看似随意,实际确极具个性的对位化线条。
Polyphony and carnival, the deconstructing of monologue. 复调与狂欢,解构独白。
Part five studies Chinese modern literature by polyphony theory. 第五部分反观复调诗学理论在中国的传播和影响,通过对一些具体作家和本文的阐释,对中国现当代文学的发展提出一些建议。
Chapter 2: Literature and revolution: Bringing up a different Polyphony. 第2章:文学与革命:造就别样的复调言说。
This article will study on polyphony contrast unique to illume the rational thought of polyphony composition. 本文通过对复调音乐创作中对比手法的研究,在一定程度上启发复调音乐创作的理性思维。
Part three thoroughly defines the polyphony by his utterance theory and discloses the defect of Bakhtin's theory. 第三部分通过对巴赫金关于长篇小说话语研究的考察,找到他与米兰·昆德拉等人在复调认识差异上的症结,进而对复调做出界定,由此指出巴赫金理论的缺陷与不足。
Music structure was reflected by improvisation reprise, polyphony, harmony counterpoint and rondo. 音乐结构则由即兴演奏与反复吟唱,复调,和声与对位,以及回旋来体现。
In her novels, the polyphony is throughout the narrative. 在她的小说中,复调手法贯穿其叙事结构。
Their swerve together with traditional narrative modes constructs the current era of polyphony narrative. 他们的转向与传统叙事模式一起,构筑成当今的复调叙事时代。
He borrows the musical term polyphony to describe such multiple-voiced phenomenon in the creation of the novel. 他借用了音乐学中的术语复调来说明这种小说创作中的多声部现象。
In the Finale Fugue, he combined the traditional and original methods to arrive at a victory of polyphony. 在这个终曲里他把赋格的传统和新奇手法结合起来,共同制造了一个复调的胜利。
The thesis is mainly based on the important time interval, polyphony and narrative situation theory. 该论文以叙事学中最重要的时距,复调和叙事情境理论来研究该小说。
The second chapter uses time interval theory of narratology and the polyphony by Bakhtin to study the novel. 第二章是运用经典叙事学中的时距理论和巴赫金所提出的复调理论来研究该作品的节奏。