Poly ( Ethylene Glycol) Grafted Amphiphilic Polyphosphazenes: Self-assembly Behavior and Applications in Drug Delivery Systems 以聚乙二醇为亲水链的两亲接枝聚膦腈的自组装及其药物传递系统
Abstract: polyphosphazenes are inorganic polymeric functional materialsthat have unique characterization. 文摘:聚磷腈是一类具有特殊性能的无机高分子功能材料。
Research for Synthesis and Properties of Polyphosphazenes for Liner of Solid Rocket Motor 固体火箭发动机衬层用聚磷腈的合成与性能研究
Polyphosphazenes was linear polymers containing an inorganic backbone formed by alternating phosphorus and nitrogen atoms, each phosphorus bearing two side substituents. 聚膦腈是主链上以磷氮原子单双键交替排列,磷原子上连接有两个取代基的一类线性无机聚合物。
The research background, synthetic method, structural characteristics of polyphosphazenes and its influences on the properties of the SPEs are reviewed in this paper. 简要综述了聚磷腈高分子固体电解质的研究背景,制备方法,结构特点及其对高分子固体电解质各项性能的影响。
Research and Biomedical Application of Polyphosphazenes 聚磷腈的研究和生物医学应用
In this thesis, five carbazole-based photorefractive polyphosphazenes and eight photorefractive organic molecular glasses that contain carbazole or triphenylamine units were designed and synthesized. 本文设计合成了五种含咔唑基团的磷腈光折变聚合物及八种含咔唑或三苯胺基团的光折变小分子玻璃。
Polyphosphazenes are a novel biodegradable polymer with an inorganic backbone composed of alternating single and double covalent bond and alternating phosphorous and nitrogen atoms. 聚磷腈是一族由交替的氮、磷原子以交替的单键、双键构成无机主链的新型可生物降解聚合物。
Preparation and in vitro evaluation of polymeric micelles assembled from amphiphilic polyphosphazenes 基于两亲聚膦腈的聚合物胶束的合成及其初步体外评价
This review mainly summarizes the synthesis, the mode of degradation and the applications in the controlled release systems of biodegradable polyphosphazenes. 本文主要综述了聚膦腈的合成、降解及其在药物控释系统中的应用。
Synthesis, Characterization of Polyphosphazenes and Their Applications as New Functional Materials Based on the above founding, people have tried to synthesize a class of novel functional materials with unique structures and properties& inorganic-organic hybrid materials. 聚磷腈高分子设计通过多种有机配体的混合使用合成系列具有新颖结构的无机-有机杂化材料以及单晶X-射线结构表征。
The content of nonlinear chromophore in the photorefractive polyphosphazenes were determined by using UV-vis spectroscopy. 用UV-vis吸收光谱测定了磷腈光折变聚合物的非线性生色团含量。
METHODS Amphiphilic polyphosphazenes with ethyl tryptophan ( EtTrp) and poly ( ethylene glycol) ( PEG) as side groups were synthesized by two substitution reactions; 方法通过两步取代反应合成了含有色氨酸乙酯(EtTrp)和不同分子量的聚乙二醇(PEG)的两亲聚膦腈;
Post-azo-coupling reaction was successfully applied to synthesize a series of photorefractive polyphosphazenes P6-P10 containing carbazole-based multifunctional chromophores. 首先,通过后重氮偶合方法合成了一系列含咔唑基多功能生色团的光折变聚磷腈P6-P10。
Currently, one way to solve this problem is to combine PLGA and another biodegradable material to reduce the acidity of degradation products, and biodegradable polyphosphazenes become the choice for the variety of side groups. 目前,解决问题的方法之一就是将PLGA与另一种生物降解材料共混来减少降解产物的酸性。生物可降解聚膦腈因其侧基的多样性成为了解决这一难题的首选聚合物。
Polyphosphazenes are polymers containing an inorganic backbone which consist of phosphorus and nitrogen atoms with alternating double and single bonds, each phosphorus atom bearing two side substituents. Synergism of phosphorus and nitrogen gives them good flame retardance. 聚磷腈是主链上以磷氮原子单双键交替排列,磷原子上连接有两个取代基的一类无机聚合物,磷氮的协同作用使其天生具有良好的阻燃性能。