Objective To evaluate the effect and safety of colon polyps treated with endoscope. 目的对内镜下治疗结肠息肉的疗效及安全性进行评价。
Objective: To study the clinicopathologic significance of microvessel density and the expression of CD34 in human nasal polyps. 目的:探讨CD34在人鼻息肉组织中的表达及微血管密度的临床意义。
Objective To assess the efficacy and safety of sulindac on colorectal polyps. 目的评价舒林酸治疗结直肠息肉的有效性和安全性。
Your nose is completely stopped with multiple polyps. 您的鼻子被好多个息肉完全堵住了。
Previous studies had suggested that a daily baby aspirin could prevent precancerous polyps that sometimes become colorectal cancer. 先前的研究显示每天服用低剂量阿司匹林能预防癌前息肉,而癌前息肉是有可能恶变成结直肠癌的。
Endoscopic or indirect laryngoscopy microwave hyperthermia in the treatment of vocal polyps or nodules; 目的观察针刺、中药和微波热凝相结合治疗声带息肉及小结的疗效。
Has variety of treatment methods and approaches in tonsil, nasal polyps, sinusitis, nasal stem disease. 对诸摘扁桃体、鼻息肉、鼻窦炎、鼻干症等有多种治疗方法与途径。
Objective Of electronic high-frequency electric knife colon endoscopic resection of colorectal polyps efficacy. 目的探讨电子结肠镜下高频电刀切除大肠息肉的疗效。
The most effectivepreventionof colon cancer is early detection and removal of precancerous colon polyps before they turn cancerous. 预防结肠癌的最有效的方法就是对病情在早期就能够发现并在发生癌变之前就对结肠息肉做出切除。
They have the ability to perform mucosal biopsies, cautery and even snaring polyps. 他们能够学习肠粘膜活检、烧灼、甚至肠息肉套扎术。
In addition, the hormonal contraception may protect from endometriosis, endometrial polyps and the formation of endometrial cancer. 此外,激素类避孕药也可以预防子宫内膜异位症、子宫内膜息肉和子宫内膜癌症的形成。
Conclusion: The endoscopic sinus surgery is safe and effective to elder patients with chronic sinusitis and nasal polyps. 结论鼻内镜手术治疗老年慢性鼻窦炎、息肉有效且安全。
Adenomas or polyps are benign growths that form singly or in clumps and may become malignant over time. 腺瘤或息肉均为良性,并可成单个或成簇状,随时间发展有可能转为恶性。
The resection rate of colorectal polyps was100% and no complication occurred. 结直肠息肉切除率100%,未出现并发症。
Many patients with colon polyps are tested negative for stool occult blood. 许多患者的粪便潜血检测结果呈阴性,但却患有结肠息肉。
The majority of colon polyps can be completely removed by colonoscopy without open surgery. 大多数结肠息肉可以在结肠镜检查过程中完全被切除,而无需经过开放手术。
Not only does colonoscopy view the entire colon, but it also removes polyps before they turn into cancer. 不仅结肠镜可以看到整个结肠,也可以在进展为癌症之前切除息肉。
It looks for evidence of cells from tumors and precancerous polyps as they pass through the gastrointestinal tract. 该检测寻找肿瘤或癌前息肉的细胞证据样本通过胃肠道时。
An important screening test for colorectal cancers and polyps is the stool occult blood test. 一个重要的大肠癌和息肉的筛查检查就是粪便潜血试验。
Benign growths include polyps, papillomas and leiomyomas and usually have a good prognosis after surgical removal. 良性肿瘤包括息肉、乳头状瘤及平滑肌瘤,以上在手术后皆预后良好。
Prevention through screening and the removal of precancerous polyps were among the reasons credited for the decline. 死亡率下降原因中就包括通过筛查和切除癌前息肉的预防措施。
Conclusions: Fungi in the pathogenesis of chronic sinusitis and nasal polyps may play a key role. 结论:真菌感染与慢性鼻窦炎鼻息肉的发病关系密切。
Epithelial polyps of the urethra in adults are uncommon lesions. 摘要成人尿道上皮息肉是一种少见的疾病。
Objective To study the possibility and significance of reservation of the middle turbinate in endoscopic sinus surgery for sinusitis and/ or nasal polyps. 目的探讨鼻窦炎和/或鼻息肉内窥镜鼻窦手术中保留中鼻甲的可能性及其临床意义。
Coordination and nursing care of patients with giant polyps in large intestine accepting resection under endoscope 内镜下大肠巨大息肉切除术的配合和护理
Objective To study the clinical value of hysteroscope in diagnosis and treatment of endometrial polyps. 目的探讨宫腔镜在子宫内膜息肉诊断及治疗中的应用价值。
Colonic polyps in children may be solitary, multiple, or diffuse. 小儿结肠息肉可以单发,多发或呈弥漫性。
Common afflictions include ulcerative colitis, diverticulosis, polyps, and tumours. 常见的疾病有结肠炎、憩室病、息肉和肿瘤。
OBJECTIVE To investigate the treatment of juvenile colonic polyps under endoscopy. 目的探讨小儿大肠息肉的内镜治疗方法。