In 432, he again said that he was called back to Ireland, though as a bishop, to Christianise the Irish from their native polytheism. 432年,他宣称听到主呼唤他返回爱尔兰,作为主教,他号召信仰多神教的爱尔兰人信奉基督教。
In history, system in worldly society was an important condition that led to the transition of religion from polytheism to monothem. 历史上世俗社会的君主制是导致宗教从多神教向一神教转变的重要条件。
It's simply the mental acknowledgement of the existence of God and that God is one, that is, the rejection of idolatry and polytheism and the idea that God is one. 在精神层面上承认上帝的存在,而且只有一个上帝,这个观点反对盲目崇拜和多神论,坚持只有一个上帝的观点。
A Discussion on the Reasons of the Toleration Policy to the Polytheism of Constantine I 浅议君士坦丁一世对多神教实行宽容政策的原因
A Discussion on the Folk Polytheism and Its Cultural Origin in the Hakka Dialect 论客家民间多神信仰及其文化源头
Sadly, polytheism reigns here. 不幸的是,这里是多神论的地方。
The sub-culture of the polytheism is one of the main sources of the precedent. 多神教亚文化是先例现象的主要来源之一。
It will help us to understand the Russian cultural tradition better to study the characteristics of polytheism in the ritual that welcomes and sees off Maslenitsa in the festival. 研究谢肉节节庆活动中迎接和送别玛斯列尼察仪式的多神教色彩,有助于我们更好地理解俄罗斯的民族文化传统。
Others may note their own comfort and embrace of ambiguity and polytheism ( many gods). 其他人也许看重自己的享受和信仰不明确以及多神论(许多个神)。
Their religion is a cult of nature and of elemental forces, in process of development to polytheism. 这是一种正向多神教发展的自然崇拜与自然力崇拜。
They all not only indicated opposition to polytheism and idolatry but also believed the supreme creator who controlled all things in the universe. 都反对偶像崇拜、多神崇拜,只信仰一个主宰宇宙万物、至高无上的造物主。
Sorcery culture, one of the culture phenomenons that had importantly affected our country's literature development, works on liao zhai zhi yi in many aspects, such as the polytheism ideology, transfiguration ideology and romantic style in this book. 作为一个对我国文学发展起到过重要作用的文化现象,巫文化对《聊斋志异》的影响也体现在许多方面,如对书中多神论思想、变形思想以及作品浪漫风格的影响。
In the polytheism of Shamanism, the fire represent many believes, such as: fire is bright, fire is the god of sanctity, fire is the god to safeguard the family and can bring good luck to the people and so on. 在萨满教的多神信仰体系中,火承载着诸多的象征意象:火是光明、圣洁之神,是家庭的保护神,可为人们带来福祉;
The God of Socrates was the intermediary of the transformation from polytheism to monotheism. 苏格拉底的神是多神教向一神教转变的中介。
Secondly, he makes systematic analysis to God's idea and points out again that the inevitable outcome that the pragmatism method analyses about the religious experience is the polytheism. 对上帝的观念做出了系统的分析;(3)实用主义方法对宗教经验分析的必然结果就是多神论。
The primitive beliefs of the Miao and Buyi had characteristics of polytheism. 苗族、布依族的原始信仰,以多神崇拜为特征。
The development of religion from fetishism and polytheism to dualist religion and monotheism. 上古宗教经历了从原始拜物教、多神教经二元神教的过渡向一神教的发展历程。
The worship of human beings can be summed up in three points: natural world 、 human beings and reality, and correspondingly, the religions of human beings have undergone three forms: polytheism 、 monotheism and high religion. 人类的崇拜形式可以归结为自然界、人本身以及绝对实在,相对应人类的宗教也经历了多神教、一神教和高级宗教三种形式。
The religion absorbed the core of ancient Greek and Roman cultures and it's an embodiment of classical tradition. The rise of Christian culture was also the result of the victory of monotheism over polytheism. 它吸收了古希腊罗马文化的基本精神,是古典传统的体现者,同时,基督教文化的兴起是一神教文化战胜多神教文化的结果。
On Ancient Greek Polytheism and Cultural Spirit 论古希腊多神教与文化精神
However the religious ideas of Hong Xiuquan and the Society of Worshiping God were produced under the social circumstances of polytheism. 但是,洪秀全及其拜上帝会的宗教观念是在多神崇拜盛行的社会环境中孕育出来的。
The logic clue is about the dispute between monotheism and pantheism, polytheism and idol worship. 逻辑线索即为一神与泛神、多神、偶像崇拜之争。
From polytheism to Christianity, changes in spiritual beliefs of the Anglo-Saxons in Conversion are a major topic about this thesis. Mainly from the view of archeology and anthropology, explores the Anglo-Saxons changing funeral customs and the concept of life after death. 民众从多神教到基督教过程中精神信仰层面的变化是本文考察的另一重点,本文主要从考古学和人类学的角度,探讨了盎格鲁-撒克逊人丧葬风俗和死后世界观念的变迁。
Due to diverse needs in real life, farmers 'faith belongs to polytheism and utilitarian orientation. 基于现实生活的多样需求,农民信仰具有多神论和实用主义取向。
To some extent, the carnival is the synthetic product by mixing polytheism and the Christianity, which has been clearly proved in the European cultural history. 狂欢可谓是多神教和基督教综合作用的产物,这在欧洲文化史上都有着清晰的记载。
Ancient Egyptian religion is a polytheism. 古埃及人信奉多神崇拜。
The traditional religious faith of Hani nationality with characteristic of polytheism worship is the typical religion of the minority traditional religious faiths in southwest China. 以多神崇拜为特征的哈尼族传统宗教信仰,是我国西南少数民族地区习俗化宗教信仰的代表。
The minority ethnic religions have strong primitive character and polytheism because that base on the blood relationship. It formed significant differences with Christianity. Christianity has the characteristics about the faith of single divine and of universality and of modernity. 以血缘关系为基础的少数民族传统宗教信仰以其浓厚的多神性、原始性、世俗性和民族性等特征,与一神性、普世性和现代性的基督教信仰形成了鲜明的对比。
As a native-born religion in China, Taoism of polytheism has a massive user base and social impact. 道教作为中国本土宗教,其典型的多神崇拜具有相当广泛的群众基础和社会影响。