A series of siloxane-containing polyurethanes were synthesized using polytetramethylene ether glycol ( PTMG) and hydroxyl terminated polydimethylsiloxane ( PDMS) as mixed soft segments. 以末端基为羟基的聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)与聚四甲基醚二醇(PTMG)为混合软段合成出一系列含硅氧烷的聚氨酯弹性体。
Shape memory polyurethanes based on aliphatic diisocyanate HDI were synthesized with different hard segment contents to study the shape memory effect affected by hard segment. 以脂肪族异氰酸酯hdi为硬段原料合成了脂肪族的形状记忆聚氨酯,通过调节硬段含量研究了硬段结构对形状记忆性能的影响。
Emphasis will be primarily on reactive, moisture curing polyurethanes that are applied as one-component liquids, hot melts and binders for wood composition board. 重点讨论单组分液体型、热熔型和木材复合板粘接用反应型、湿气固化聚氨酯胶粘剂。
The influence of some raw materials such as polyester the uniformity, vesicant foams and catalysts to the preparation of rigid polyurethanes foam is also discussed. 探讨了聚酯多元醇、泡沫稳定剂、发泡剂及催化剂等原料对硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料制备的影响。
Synthetic organic polymers include many plastics, including polyethylene, the nylons, polyurethanes, polyesters, vinyls ( e.g., PVC), and synthetic rubbers. 合成的有机聚合物包括多种塑料,如聚乙烯、尼龙、聚氨酯、聚酯,乙烯基(如聚氯乙烯)和合成橡胶。
Effect of chain extenders on reacting rheology and microstructure of HTPB/ IPDI polyurethanes 扩链剂对HTPB/IPDI聚氨酯反应流变性和微观结构的影响
Synthesis, Characterization and Blood Compatibility Studies of Biomedical Aliphatic Polyurethanes 生物医用脂肪族聚氨酯的合成、表征及血液相容性研究
Studies on Synthesis and Modification of Biomedical Polyurethanes Degradability of Poly ( DL-lactide)/ Wollastonite Composite as Biomaterial 生物医用聚氨酯材料的合成及改性研究聚乳酸/硅灰石生物医用复合材料的降解性能
Bio-inert medical polyurethanes offer advantages in the design of medical devices and artificial organs owing to stability, abrasion resistance and good mechanical property. 医用惰性聚氨酯材料稳定、耐磨、力学性能好,广泛用于医用装置及人工器官。
For home insulation, plastics, namely polyurethanes foams, have become a major value added component in regards to energy efficiency. 在房屋保温方面,塑料,即聚氨酯泡沫,已成为节能领域增加值的主要贡献者。
Dynamic mechanical properties of castor oil/ phenoxy RESIN POLYURETHANES 不同异氰酸酯固化的蓖麻油/酚氧树脂聚氨酯的动态力学性能
Humic acid as a model for natural organic matter ( NOM) in the removal of odorants from water by cyclodextrin polyurethanes 腐植酸作为天然有机物(NOM)的类型对环糊精聚氨酯从水中去除气味的影响
Synthesis and Characterizations of Aliphatic Shape Memory Polyurethanes 脂肪族形状记忆聚氨酯的合成及表征
The Multi-Compound Modified Research and New Application Progresses of Waterborne Polyurethanes 水性聚氨酯多元复合改性研究及应用新进展
Waterborne Polyurethanes Modified with Silicone and Application in Leather Processing 有机硅改性水性聚氨酯及在制革中的应用进展
The applications and research progresses of these materials in medical treatment are introduced in this paper. Histo-compatibility, blood compatibility and degradation of polyurethanes are discussed. 综述了可生物降解型聚氨酯材料在医学上的应用、研究进展,并对聚氨酯的组织相容性、血液相容性及降解性能进行了讨论。
In the end, the current situation and future development trend of functional waterborne polyurethanes were described. 对水性功能型聚氨酯的发展前景作了展望。
Research advances in improving ultraviolet ageing resistance of polyurethanes 提高聚氨酯耐紫外老化性的研究进展
Preparation and properties of a new radiopaque polyurethanes 一种X-射线不透性聚氨酯显影材料的制备及性能研究
Research Progress in Synthesis and Characterization of Aqueous Fluorinated Polyurethanes 水性含氟聚氨酯的合成及表征研究进展
The composition, structure, and microphase separation characterization of polyurethanes are introduced. 介绍了聚氨酯的组成、结构及微相分离特性。
Synthesis and properties of Waterborne Polyurethanes Modified by epoxy resin 环氧改性水性聚氨酯乳液的制备及其膜性能
The production process and performance of an aromatic polyester polyol and application on the hard polyurethanes foam structure adhesive was introduced. 针对夹层结构的特点,通过对聚氨酯泡沫的各主要组分及发泡工艺的研究,研制出了一种适用于夹层结构的硬质聚氨酯泡沫。
Amino-resins, phenolic resins and polyurethanes, in primary forms. 初级形状的氨基树脂、酚醛树脂及聚氨酯类。
The emphasis is to study the sound absorption properties of gradient polyurethanes at different temperatures and pressures. 研究了梯度聚氨酯在不同温度和压力下的水声吸声性能。
Applications of Oxazolidine-based Compounds in Polyurethanes Oxazolidine is a new tanning agent. 恶唑烷在聚氨酯中的应用本文是对恶唑烷系列的合成和鞣性研究。
For different applications the paper discussed the preparation and application process of the aqueous polyurethanes. 该文针对其不同的用途对水性聚氨酯的制备和应用工艺分别进行了探讨。
The latest research development and potential applications of shape memory polyurethanes have been summarized in this paper. 本文概括了聚氨酯的形状记忆原理和特征,并对形状记忆聚氨酯的研究进展作了重点阐述。
Polyurethane was chemically modified by silane coupling agent, which got five kinds of polyurethanes modified. 利用硅烷偶联剂对聚氨酯进行了化学改性,制得了五种硅烷偶联剂改性聚氨酯。