(一种中间开有领口的)披风,斗篷,大氅 A poncho is a piece of clothing that consists of a long piece of material, usually wool, with a hole cut in the middle through which you put your head. Some ponchos have a hood.
The men cast off their packs, withdrew their ponchos and set up their pup tents again. 大家扔下了背包,取出了雨披,把小帐篷重又架了起来。
At a game in Johannesburg on Sunday night, I was surrounded by Mexican fans in sombreros and ponchos, and by Argentines who, for some reason, were waving posters of Che Guevara. 在周日晚约翰内斯堡的一场比赛上,我身边团团围坐着头戴宽边帽、身披斗篷的墨西哥球迷,和(出于某种原因)挥动着切格瓦拉(CheGuevara)海报的阿根廷球迷。
The Nuosu women still sit in small groups in front of their houses, weaving strips of cloth on waist looms. I saw men wearing black capes of hand-woven wool similar to the ponchos of Bolivian Indians. 诺苏彝族女人们依旧三五成群地在门前用系在腰部的小型织布架织布,男人们肩上依旧披着类似玻利维亚的印第安人穿的那种披肩。
He yawned and curled his body down farther beneath the poncho. The men cast off their packs, withdrew their ponchos and set up their pup tents again. 他打了个呵欠,把身子再蜷拢点儿,往雨披里缩了缩。大家扔下了背包,取出了雨披,把小帐篷重又架了起来。
Ponchos come originally from South america. 开洞式斗篷源自南美洲。