Research of Clinical Features, Neuropathology, Molecular Biology and Expression of TDP-43 in the Patient of Pontobulbar Palsy with Deafness 伴耳聋的桥脑延髓麻痹临床、病理、分子生物学及TDP-43蛋白表达研究
Of the30 MDJ lesions, 11 showed a marked upward extension involving the diencephalic structures and18 had a prominent downward extension involving the pontobulbar region. 在30处中脑-间脑接合处病灶中,11处病灶显著向上延伸累及间脑结构,18处病灶显著向下延伸累及脑桥延髓区域。
The next most common location of involvement was the pontobulbar region, seen in40% of the cases. 次常见的病灶部位分布于脑桥延髓区,约40%的患者可见此改变。
The distribution of spinal afferents in the inferior olivary nucleus, the lateral reticular nucleus, the pontobulbar body and the pontine nucleus was discussed. 本文对下橄榄核、外侧网状核、桥延体及桥核内的终止情况进行了讨论。
In addition, the HRP positive neurons were also found in mesencephalic and pontobulbar reticular formation, medial vestibular nucleus, and locus coeruleus with its ventral part. 此外在中脑、脑桥、延髓网状结构,前庭内侧核,蓝斑及其腹侧部也出现了标记细胞。