For example: one dog-food maker targets ads toward people who run and bike with their pooches. 举例来说,一家狗粮厂商专门针对跑步或骑车遛狗的人士投放广告。
A love motel for dogs in Sao Paulo proved a big hit with amorous Brazilian pooches, offering a heart-shaped mirror on the ceiling and headboards resembling doggy bones. 巴西一家“情侣狗汽车旅馆”开张后生意火爆。旅馆被装饰得浪漫温馨,房间墙上挂有心形的镜子,床头板也被做成了狗狗喜欢的骨头形状。
In Los Angeles pocket-sized pooches have replaced clutch bags as the newest, coolest accessory. 在洛杉矶,狗狗已经替代了手提包作为新新女士的得意装饰。
Pianezzi, who said he has competed with pooches at the Dog Surfing World Championships in previous years, came up with the idea of surfing with an alpaca while he was on holiday. 之前,多明戈曾带着一群狗狗赢得了世界狗狗冲浪大赛的冠军。如今,他又发奇想,在假日和羊驼一起冲浪。
A love motel, complete with a heart-shaped mirror on the ceiling and a headboard resembling a doggy bone, has opened for amorous pooches in Brazil. 一家为发情期小狗设计的情侣旅馆在巴西开业,在该旅馆的天花板上有一块心形的镜子,以及酷似骨头的床头板。
Bootcamp is the nation's first out-door fitness program where both humans and dogs get a full body workout while the pooches also learn basic obedience skills. 在这里,主人和宠物们一起进行全方位的身体锻炼,同时还能培养宠物的顺从意识。
While pooches are banned from most New Jersey beaches between May and September, there are owners who walk their dogs there and fail to clean up afterward. 新泽西州大部分沙滩在五月至九月都禁止狗入内,因为狗主人光顾遛狗,却不收拾残局。
Pooches mouths are dirty, but they're safe to kiss. 狗嘴是脏的,但和它接吻亲热还是安全的。
And pooches that tagged along with mail carriers so loyally that they became the stuff of legend. 邮差狗非常忠诚地紧随着邮递员因此已经成为了传奇。
Washingtonians can now drop their pooches off at a pet hotel that cares for their friendly canines in a five-star environment. 华盛顿的市民现在可以把他们的宠物狗送到宠物旅馆里去了。在那里,他们的爱犬将享受到五星级的服务。