In the past he has pooh-poohed suggestions that he might succeed Isaacs. 过去他对自己会接替艾萨克斯之说嗤之以鼻。
The notion that children's taste in toys might somehow be genetically determined has long been disparaged by psychologists, pooh-poohed as unscientific, sexist or both. 孩子们对玩具地喜好在某种程度上是由基因决定的,这个说法长期遭到心理学家的鄙视,被认为是不科学的,或是有性别歧视的,或者两者兼而有之。
Brin wore a version of Google Glass for a portion of the interview, and he pooh-poohed the controversy over the product, namely the meme in the media that only an obnoxious techie would wear the computerized spectacles in public. 布林在采访中还戴了一会儿谷歌眼镜。对于这款产品的争议,也就是有媒体称只有那些技术宅才会在公共场合戴这样一款电脑眼镜的说法,布林表示很不以为然。
I thought it was quite a good idea, but she pooh-poohed it. 我认为这是个相当好的主意,但她对此不屑一顾。
The proposal that safety standards should be raised was pooh-poohed by the committee. 委员会对提高安全标准的提议嗤之以鼻。
Yet another parent-teacher meeting had come and gone at which his mother, Jackie, rehearsed her concerns and Dan's teacher pooh-poohed them. 在刚刚过去的这一次家长会上,妈妈杰茜再次表示担忧,可是丹的老师却完全不当回事儿。
Sally pooh-poohed the idea that you need three meals a day. 莎莉对于你一天需吃三餐的主意嗤之以鼻。
In it, he pooh-poohed the advantage and serviceability of automated IT tools. 在博客里,他对IT自动化工具的优势及适用性嗤之以鼻。
This phenomenon perplexes me old, because the not to be pooh-poohed on the body discharges sweat, after reason moves, giddy head goes up, facial red. 此现象困扰我多年,由于身上不善排汗,故运动后头晕头涨,面部红彤彤的。
They pooh-poohed our scheme for raising money. 他们对我们的筹款方案嗤之以鼻。
At first he pooh-poohed the story, but he became thoughtful when she showed him the shadow. 起初他对这个故事一笑置之,后来达林太大拿出影子给他看,他就沉思起来了。
He pooh-poohed thomas's anxieties about it. 他嘲笑托马斯为这而担忧。
One pooh-poohed violence against women, another attacked immigrants who didn't embrace Quebec ways, a third accused Jews of starting wars as a means to enrich themselves. 其中一位候选人轻视女性,另一位抨击那些不拥护魁北克行事方法的移民,还有一位更是指责犹太人发动战争来中饱私囊。
The Committee pooh-poohed the idea of a joint venture. 这个委员会藐视合资企业的想法。