Use layout regions ( or pop-ups) instead of drop-down lists 使用布局区域(或弹出窗口)代替下拉列表
You can borrow that code from the dashboard to make pop-ups appear on references to work items in your reports. 您可以从操作板处获得代码,并使弹出菜单出现在工作项上的链接上。
Additionally, accessibility has been addressed with assistive technologies such as field-level help, text pop-ups for field prompts, informational text on forms, and labels on graphic images. 另外,帮助技术解决了可访问性的问题,比如字段级别的帮助,用于字段提示的文本弹出,表单上的信息文本和图像上的标签。
Luckily, open source JavaScript libraries offer an easy way to get rid of side streets and pop-ups once and for all. 幸运的是,开源JavaScript库提供了一种简单方式,可以彻底摆脱导航弯路和弹出窗口。
This approach helps avoid resource-hungry, but unnecessary GUI pop-ups from being opened. 此方法有助于避免资源耗尽,但会打开不必要的GUI弹出窗口。
If your users have enabled pop-up window blockers, they should allow pop-ups for your own domain. 如果您的用户启用了弹出窗口拦截器,则应该允许在您自己的域内弹出窗口。
This jQuery plug-in allow you to replace your informational pop-ups with simple, cross-browser tooltips. 此jQuery插件允许您用简单的跨浏览器工具提示替代信息弹出框。
Wikipedia is not flashy, not exciting, and not littered with image pop-ups and full-scrolling maps. Wikipedia不花哨,不令人兴奋,也没有充满弹出图片和全屏地图。
With the DHTML code in hand, you can now make it easier to use pop-ups in PHP applications. 有了DHTML代码后,即可更轻松地在PHP应用程序中使用弹出框。
If Firefox is configured to block pop-ups, click Allow to allow the installation window to open. 如果Firefox配置为阻止弹出窗口,单击Allow允许打开安装窗口。
The result is similar to the links and pop-ups on the dashboard. 结果类似于操作板上的链接与弹出项。
We have new ways to present information: floating annotations, clickable pop-ups with extra information, and embedded videos. 我们有新方法来呈现信息:浮动说明、点击弹出窗口显示额外信息以及嵌入式视频。
With supplemental information relegated to pop-ups, the straight, step-by-step path could continue uninterrupted in the main window. 通过弹出窗口提供补充信息,主窗口中直接的分布路径不会受到干扰。
Because multiple pop-ups will probably appear on a single page, the third parameter is added to provide the text that appears in the pop-up. 由于一个页面上可能会显示多个弹出框,所以添加了第三个参数以提供弹出框中显示的文本。
Don't let blinking icons and pop-ups disrupt your work flow. 不要让闪烁的图标和弹出的窗口打断你的工作流程。
There are always options to eliminate pop-ups whether you're using Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox. 无论你用的是IE浏览器还是火狐狸浏览器总会有消除弹出对话框这一选项。
Content Blocking gives your extensions a fast and efficient way to block cookies, images, resources, pop-ups and other content, Apple says in documentation for developers. 内容拦截功能让你的拓展插件得以快速高效地拦截cookies、图片、资源、弹出框和其它内容,苹果在一份致开发者的文件中说。
More companies are using pop-ups as a marketing tool for brand extension. 越来越多的公司正在把快闪店当成提升品牌认知度的一个营销工具。
BILL THOMPSON: No, these are not pop-ups. 比尔·汤普森:不,没有弹出式广告。
In Victoria II you can set different levels on messages: pop-ups, notification icons or only shown in the log. 在《维多利亚II》里,你可以给不同的讯息设定不同的监控级数:跳出视窗、显示图示,或是只在讯息栏显示一下。
The pop-up blocker includes an allow list that can help in cases where automatic pop-ups are required. 对于需要自动弹出的情况,该弹出阻止程序包含了一个有帮助的“允许”列表。
You can open new windows when you click links, but you'll get no surprises from unexpected, unwanted pop-ups. 当你点击链接时,就可以打开新的窗口,但是绝对不会受到意外的、讨厌的弹出广告的干扰。
Fly-in ads are derivatives of pop-ups which are also equally irking to the visitors. 飞在疮疤衍生流行起坐也是同样触怒了参观者。
SWT, the UI layer that underpins Eclipse, is now able to create full-screen windows for kiosk-mode applications, and windows with transparency for displaying pop-ups or other HUD-type windows. SWT&支撑Eclipse的UI层,现在能够创建用于kiosk-mode应用的全屏窗口了,也能够创建可以透明显示的弹出窗口或其它HUD类型(HUD-type)窗口。
Web surfing can be equally confounding, a wobbly wade through bursts of pop-ups and loudmouthed video ads. 网页浏览同样让人讨厌,因为你必须面对不断弹出的新窗口和吵吵嚷嚷的视频广告。
As you move the cursor over grids, pop-ups display content behind each square. 正如你的光标移动网,弹出窗口显示内容背后都有平方米。
I hate websites with pop-ups. 我讨厌那些有弹出广告的网站。
Using pop-ups can be an effective way to get a higher response to your offer. 使用跳出窗口是对报价获得较高回复的有效方法。
You may think that things like cutouts or pop-ups will do this for you and thus make you stand out, or you may think they just look like designer whims that add cost. 你可能认为许多事情像切口或者弹出窗口将为你做这些因此也使你脱颖而出。否则你可能认为他们只是像设计师突发奇想,增加成本。
Unfortunately many webmasters go overboard with pop-ups which only results in annoying visitors. 很不幸,很多站点管理员往往走极端使用跳出窗口,这只会带来让来访者厌烦的结果。