In the personal arms of the popes, the keys are, of course, arranged as in the arms of the Holy See: the other arrangement would be equivalent to treating him as merely the head of that little state. 在罗马教皇手上的钥匙被当成圣堂的手臂:其他被等同为这个小国家的首领。
The issue of abusive clergy in large part overshadowed the popes visit to Australia for World Youth Day. 神职人员猥亵儿童的问题在很大的程度上给教皇在世界青年日期间到澳大利亚的访问蒙上了阴影。
Moreover, even presidents, popes, and CEOs get harpooned, sometimes on a daily basis. 此外,即便是总裁、权威和CEO们,在日常工作中有时也会收到批评意见。
We walk out of St. Susanna, and she says, Do you know why the popes needed city planning in the Middle Ages? 我们走出圣苏撒纳的时候,她说:你可知道为什么中世纪的教宗需要都市计划?
Emperors became popes ( both were called "Pontifex Maximus"), senators became bishops, orators became priests and basilicas became churches. 皇帝变成了教皇(两者都被称为大祭司长),元老院议员变成了主教,雄辩家变成了牧师,而长方形大会堂则变成了教堂。
Its presidents 'average age and tenure in office almost match those of popes. 历届足协主席的平均年龄和任期堪比罗马教皇。
But because the eastern emperor did not physically occupy Rome, the popes extended their spiritual authority into the secular field. 但由于东帝国皇帝没有从物质上占领罗马,因此教皇们把精神控制延伸到了世俗地区。
Some Renaissance popes were not known for their learning. Vasari, in his "Life of Michelangelo" has a good story which is typical of the martial Christianity of that period. 文艺复兴期间,有些皇不以学识鸣世。瓦萨里的《米开兰基罗传》记载了一个有趣故事,很能代表那个时期好战的基督。
For this last purpose, namely, to organise the Christian forces against the Turks, the Popes claimed the right of levying a fixed tax on all ecclesiastical property. 基于上述最后一个任务,即组织基督力量对抗土耳其,教皇宣称要对所有教属物业政审固定税额。
He is a protege of many popes. 他受到许多主教的保护。
Churches and secular buildings were built over the centuries by tyrannical popes and kings. 教会和修道院建于中世纪的教皇和国王时期。
So if the Pope is elected, but by only a limited number of men, old men who themselves were appointed by previous Popes. 教皇是选举出来的,只不过是由几个人选而已,选举他的老人是前一任教皇任命的。
The only difference was that pictures of screaming popes rather than Eurobonds were on sale. 唯一的区别是,他们出售的是号叫的教皇的画像,而不是欧元债券。
That line played well enough in past centuries, when medical practices were as likely to kill an old man as heal him, and when popes were not media figures and statesmen constantly in the limelight. 该行发挥不够好于过去几个世纪以来,作为医疗行为时可能会杀死医治他一个老人,当教皇没有数字媒体和政治家在不断的风头。
The popes understood that they were spending money for the future when they spent money on books. 教皇们也明白,花钱买书是为未来作投资。
Relations between the popes in Rome and the emperors in Constantinople were often strained to breaking point. officially, because no Western emperor existed, the Eastern Emperor was the secular overlord of the bishop of rome. 罗马教皇与君士坦丁堡皇帝之间的关系常常紧张到破裂的程度,原因是西帝国皇帝不存在了,东帝国的皇帝是受制于罗马大主教的世俗大君主。
She's outfoxed and outfought Popes, the Holy Roman Empire, France and Spain combined. 她智取国内的反动主教们,击败强大的法兰西和西班牙联合的神圣罗马帝国。
It was apparent in the claims of popes and "Holy Roman Emperors". 它彰显于教皇和“神圣罗马帝国皇帝”的宣言。
Visitors can now walk in the footsteps of popes who were forced to make hasty getaways long ago. 游客现在能够追随很久以前被迫从通道匆忙逃走的罗马教皇们的脚步。
Except for their wealth, the Popes of the time were hardly different from the rulers. 除了他们的财富,这个时期的教皇与统治者们几乎没什么不同。
That I have written to all popes recommending your excommunication. 我将写信给所有主教,建议将你逐出教会。
( Roman Catholic Church) the body of cardinals who advise the Pope and elect new Popes. (罗马天主教堂)给罗马教皇忠告而且选拔罗马教皇的红衣主教团体。
I bought a book on the passing of spiritual authority from the apostles through successive popes and other bishops. 我买了一本关于神权自使徒传至教皇及其他主教的一脉相承的书。
For various historical reasons, the controversy among Christian orders becomes that of politics and religion between Chinese emperors and Roman Popes. 由于种种复杂的历史原因,基督教修会间的争论发展成为罗马教皇与中国皇帝之间的政教之争。
The Analysis of Macroscopic Background of the Conflict between Popes and Secular Powers in the West Europe in the Middle Ages 中世纪西欧教俗之争宏观背景之剖析
Belinda in Alexander Popes The Rape of the Lock has always been of much critical interest to critics of the 18th century English literature. 亚历山大·蒲柏在《夺发记》中塑造的贝琳达这一人物形象一直是18世纪英国文学评论家的研究焦点。