Geochemistry and Pb, Sr, Nd isotopic features of ore-bearing porphyries in Bangong Lake porphyry copper belt, western Tibet 藏西班公湖斑岩铜矿带成矿斑岩地球化学及Pb、Sr、Nd同位素特征
This chemical compound belongs to the group of porphyries and enables plants to build up complicated hydrocarbons from carbon dioxide and the energy of sunlight. 这种化合物属卟啉族,它可以使植物从二氧化碳和太阳光能中生成复杂的碳氢化合物。
The copper is disseminated in small joint surfaces and cracks in the porphyries. 铜浸染在斑岩的细小节理面和裂隙中。
Porphyries and Porphyry Copper Deposits in Zhongdian Area, Northwestern Yunnan 滇西北中甸斑岩及斑岩铜矿
The porphyries show characteristics of adakite. 斑岩显示出明显的adakite地球化学特征,明显不同于冈底斯花岗岩基。
The Yanshanian granite-porphyries along the southern margin of North China Craton were developed in an intraplate environment. 华北地台南缘燕山期花岗斑岩类小岩体形成于大陆板内环境,它具有类似岛弧&活动大陆边缘钙碱系列岩石地球化学特征,其成分在空间上呈现极性特征。
Isotope geochemical characteristics and material sources of TIN-BEARING porphyries in South China 华南含锡斑岩的同位素地球化学特征与物质来源
The characteristics of the mantle fluid metasomatism of the ALKALI-RICH PORPHYRIES and its xenoliths in western Yunnan 滇西富碱斑岩及其中包体岩石的地幔流体交代作用特征
On the regional metallogenetic conditions of the alkali rich porphyries in Central Yunnan 云南中部富碱斑岩区域成矿条件
On the metallogenetic mechanism of the ALKALI-RICH PORPHYRIES IN CENTRAL YUNNAN 云南省中部富碱斑岩成矿机理探讨
The differences of diagenesis and metallogenesis of the porphyries in different regions are attributed to a little diversity of the composition, depth and melting fraction of the source rocks among tectonic units. 不同岩区富碱斑岩特征和成矿作用的差异归根结底是构造单元之间富碱斑岩源岩成分、深度和重熔程度微小差异的结果。
Genetic relation between deep-seated alkali-rich hydrothermal fluids and ore-bearing porphyries of porphyry copper deposits evidence from fluid inclusions and phenocryst textures 深源富碱硅热流体与斑岩铜矿含矿斑岩体的成因联系及流体包裹体、斑晶结构证据
The alkali rich porphyries in central Yunnan were formed by separated melting of the basic or ultrabasic source rocks in the deep crust during the structural relaxed stage between the first and second epoches of the Himalayan movement. 云南省中部富碱斑岩形成于喜马拉雅山运动第一幕与第二幕之间的构造松弛阶段,由地壳深部的基性-超基性源岩经分离熔融而成。
The alkali rich porphyries in Yunnan were formed by differentiation melting of the source rock in the Diwa stage. 云南富碱斑岩是地洼阶段的产物,受大地构造位置和构造单元的控制。
Typomorphic characteristics of main rock-forming minerals in tin-bearing porphyries, yanbei, Jiangxi 江西岩背含锡斑岩主要造岩矿物标型特征
Tectonic control for Petrogenesis and metallogenesis of the alkali rich porphyries in Central Yunnan 云南中部富碱斑岩成岩成矿的大地构造控制作用
Petrological and geochemical studies of the ore-bearing porphyries indicate that there are at least two types of porphyry in the study area, mainly including quartz monzonite and granodiorite. 通过对含矿斑岩的岩石学和地球化学研究表明该区内至少有两类以上含矿斑岩,以石英二长岩和花岗闪长岩类为主。
Based on the different porphyries, the gold deposits related with porphyry can be divided into four types: ( 1) the alteration rock type gold deposit related to ivernite in the structural fractured zone; 将与富碱斑岩有关的金矿床从斑岩类型角度划分为四种类型:与二长斑岩有关的构造破碎带蚀变岩型金矿床;
Petrological and geochemical characteristics of Cenozoic ALKALI-RICH PORPHYRIES and xenoliths hosted in western Yunnan Province 滇西新生代富碱斑岩及其深源包体的岩石学和地球化学特征
As a result of this study, the D values of fractal dimension in the sub-range of mineralized porphyries are higher than that of the whole orefield, and that of the NE fracture system is slightly higher than the WNW fracture system. 矿化岩体产出部位分维值明显高于整个矿田分维值,NE向断裂体系分维值略高于WNW向体系分维值。
Fast erosion rate of orogenic belts imposes time limits for survival of super-giant ores formed at shallow crustal depths associated with porphyries with affinity to adakitic magmas. 由于造山带的剥蚀速率快,导致和埃达克岩浆演化密切相关的形成于地壳浅部的大型斑岩矿床的保存有时限。
Nd, Sr and Pb isotopic characteristics of the alkaline_rich porphyries in western Yunnan and its compression strike_slip setting 滇西富碱斑岩带的Nd、Sr、Pb同位素特征及其挤压走滑背景
Gold mineralization system related to alkali-rich porphyries in Himalayan, the northwestern part of Yunnan 滇西北与喜马拉雅期富碱斑岩有关的金矿成矿系统
Mineralization is in areal distribution and the ore-bearing porphyries are almost wholly mineralized. Mineralization near the country rock is enhanced. 铜(钼)矿化呈面型分布,含矿斑岩体几乎全岩矿化,与围岩接触带附近矿化强度增强;
Preliminary Research on the Intermediate-acidic Porphyries and Their Ore-bearing in Zhongdian Area, Northwest Yunnan 滇西北中甸地区中-酸性斑岩及其含矿性初步研究
The main rock types of the porphyries are granodiorite-porphyry, monzonitic granite-porphyry and quartz monzonitic porphyry. 斑岩的主要岩石类型为花岗闪长斑岩、二长花岗斑岩、石英二长斑岩。
Ore-forming fluids and metals mainly came from the magma of alkalic-rich porphyries. 成矿金属和成矿流体来自富碱斑岩岩浆。
Low Y, medium Ba and Nb/ Y 1 of the ore-bearing porphyries indicate that the enrichment process related to melts had played an important role. 含矿斑岩为低Y,中Ba,且Nb/Y>1,反映了与熔体有关的富集作用占主导。
The origin of the alkali-rich porphyries maybe a partial melting of the thickened lower crust, and the source region of the mafic volcanic rocks maybe the lithospheric mantle metasomatism by the fluid which derived from the ancient subduction zone. 富碱斑岩的起源可能与加厚下地壳发生部分熔融有关,基性火山岩的源区可能是受到多次古俯冲带流体交代作用而富集的岩石圈地幔。