The basket being large and heavy, Car had placed it for convenience of porterage on the top of her head, where it rode on in jeopardized balance as she walked with arms akimbo. 篮子又大又重,卡尔为了走路方便些,就把篮子放在头顶上顶着,当她两手叉腰走路的时候,篮子就在她的头顶上危险地摇晃着。
In recent years, along with the development of city economy, how to utilize the limited resource, and logistics functions such as warehouse, packing, porterage, shipping, and so on, were given more and more concerning by people. 随着城市经济的发展,如何利用有限的资源,充分发挥仓储、包装、装卸搬运等物流功能的问题受到了人们的关注。