Present calculation results show that ionization continuum and positronium formation channels play an important role in positron-potassium scattering. 计算结果表明,电离和正负电子偶素的形成在正电子和钾原子碰撞散射体系中起著重要的作用。
A photomagnetic positronium annihilation model was proposed to explain the experimental facts. 提出正电子素光磁湮没模型以解释实验事实。
Optical-model Approach for Positronium Formation in Positron Scattering from H and Na Atoms 光学势方法研究正电子与H,Na碰撞中电子偶素形成通道
Laser assisted antihydrogen atom formation in collisions of antiprotons with positronium 激光促进反氢原子的形成
Measurement of positronium fraction in vacuum by time-of-flight spectroscopy 飞行时间法测量真空电子偶素产额研究低能离子溅射诱导的缺陷损伤
The reaction kinetics of positronium o-Ps on MoNi/ Al2O3 hydrotreating catalyst was studied by using the positron annihilation spectroscopy for chemical analysis ( PASCA). 采用化学分析正电子湮没谱(PASCA)技术研究正电子素(o-Ps)在MoNi/Al2O3加氢催化剂上的反应动力学。
The three photon decay of positronium was further studied using positronium source composed of~ ( 22) Na and silica aerogel and triple fast coincidence method. 用~(22)Na和气凝硅胶构成的电子偶索源及三重符合的NaI(T1)计数器,测量了正电子偶素三光子衰变。
Study of the Inner Surface Properties of Porous Material Using Positronium as a Probe 正电子素探测多孔材料内表面特性
Studies on Positronium Complex Formation(ⅱ) 正电子素络合形成研究(Ⅱ)
This article discusses the effects of different measurement conditions on the measured value of the positronium complex reaction rate constants. 本文讨论了不同测量条件对正电子素络合反应速度常数测定值的影响。
The clear difference of the long-lifetime components related to the pick-off annihilation of ortho positronium between the interferon affected cells and the control cells was observed. 观察到干扰素作用细胞和对照细胞间O-Ps拾取湮没长寿命成分的明显差别。
The relativistic corrections for ground state energy of the positronium negative ion 正电子素负离子(Ps~-)基态能级的相对论修正
The Magnetic Quenching of Positronium ( Ps) in PMMA and Epoxy Polymers 聚合物PMMA和Epoxy中正电子素的磁猝灭
The correlation of the probability of positronium formation with the reaction mechanism in the spur 正子素形成几率与云团反应机理
In solid phase, the positronium ( Ps) formation in free volume and the P. yield of 27% were observed. 在固态甲烷中,正电子素(简称Ps)在自由体积中形成,形成率为~27%。
In present work we have successfully obtained an momentum-space equivalent local polarization potential describing the positronium formation rearrangement process ( the real and virtue parts describe the virtue and real positronium formation respectively). 本文中我们发展了一个动量中间的等价局域的复光学势来描述电子偶素形成这个重排过程(实部表示电子偶素的虚形成,虚部则代表了电子偶素的实形成)。
Measurement of the energy spectrum in the~ 3s_1 positronium 3 γ decay ~3S1态电子偶素3γ衰变的γ射线能谱测量
Probing intermediates and intermediate process in chemical reactions with positronium 用Ps作探针研究化学反应中间态及中间过程
Effect of radiation protection on the probability of positronium formation in molecular substances 分子介质中的正子素形成几率与辐射保护效应
Geometric Structure of the Positronium Negative Ion 电子偶素负离子的结构
Production of vacuum positronium atoms 真空电子偶素原子的产生
Influence of interfacial polarization and size of free volume hole on positronium formation 界面极化和自由体积尺寸对正电子素形成的影响
Positronium as a probe for concentration changes of photo-excited triplet states of chlorophyll 用正电子素探测叶绿素三线激发态浓度的变化
Kinetics study of positronium o-Ps on moni/ al_2o_3 hydrotreating catalyst by PASCA 采用PASCA技术研究正电子素o-Ps在MoNi/Al2O3加氢催化剂上的反应动力学
The singlet oxygen O induced by laser in a methanol-water system with photosensitizer, methylene blue ( MB), was probed by positronium. 用正电子素o-Ps研究以亚甲兰为光敏剂在甲酸和水体系中激光诱导单态氧 ̄1O_2的形成。