Any individual who discovers a valuable mineral deposit on public lands can obtain a mining claim for that deposit. The locater of the minerals acquires a possessory interest in the claim, which is a form of transferable property. 任何在公共上地上发现了有价值的矿藏的个人享有可转让的排他占有权。
Group advocate just group possessory, decide even if do not have the person of cacique temperament. 群主只是群所有者,不一定就是具有领袖气质的人。
Insurant is to show those who get the car that insurance contract ensures is possessory commonly, the car that registers on travel card namely advocate. 被保险人一般是指受保险合同保障的汽车的所有者,也就是行驶证上登记的车主。
Settlement of exchange is to show foreign currency income is possessory its foreign currency income sells foreign currency nominated bank, foreign currency nominated bank pays by fixed exchange rate equivalent the behavior of this money. 结汇是指外汇收入所有者将其外汇收入出售给外汇指定银行,外汇指定银行按一定汇率付给等值的本币的行为。
Priority order of possessory lien on vessel in the ships security interests 船舶留置权在船舶担保物权中的优先顺序
Possessory liens can be divided into two categories: particular possessory liens and general possessory liens. 占有留置可以分为两类:特定的占有留置和一般的占有留置。
Chapter Four analyses risks undertaken by the lesser, namely, Maritime Liens, Possessory Liens, and Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage. 然后,对出租人作为所有权人所面临的船舶优先权、留置权、船舶油污损害赔偿责任这些特殊风险进行了分析。
Based on how the owner take present possession of the land, we can divide iestatess in the land into present possessory freehold estates and future interests. 依据所有权人可否取得土地的现实占有,土地所有权被分为现实所有权和将来所有权。
Chapter I dwells on the concept, the history, the characteristics of possessory lien in civil law, and the difference between the possessory lien and the plea of simultaneous performance, the mortgage, and the pawn. 第一章简单阐述了民法上留置权概念,留置权的历史渊源以及特征,留置权与同时履行抗辩权、抵押权、质权的区别。
In conflict with possessory value; 所承载价值的冲突性;
Preface briefly concerns the hot disputes on the possessory lien on goods in theory and the legal system of which in our country, illustrate the power of study and the intention of writing this dissertation. 引言主要说明理论界对于货物留置权的争论和我国对于该问题的立法体例,阐述了作者研究的方向和写作目的。
On the Possessory liens on ships 浅议船舶留置权
In addition, Chapter II elucidates the establishment conditions, restriction on exercising conditions, effective scope, the lien or's rights and obligations, the acquisition, the extinguish and the means of possessory lien on goods. 此外,还从海上货物运输留置权的成立要件、行使条件限制、效力范围、留置权人的权利义务、留置物所有人的权利义务、货物留置权的实行、消灭以及留置方式等方面进行阐述。
In this paper the author focuses on the analysis of the special meaning of allocation according to factors that is given by possessory title to factors and enterprises 'possessory tide to property. 本文主要分析要素财产所有权和企业所有权所赋予按生产要素分配方式的特殊含义。
This paper, from the perspective of the practice of time charter, makes a research and discusses on the possessory lien to CMC. Finally, some opinions are put forward. 从定期租船合同业务实践的角度出发,对我国海商法定期租船合同中的留置权进行探讨分析,最后提出了一些看法。
At the same time, security right on ships includes mortgage of ships, maritime liens and possessory liens on ships. Each has its own characteristics too. 同时,船舶担保物权包括船舶抵押权、船舶优先权、船舶留置权三种,它们也各有各的特点。
Chapter ⅰ dwells upon the concept and characteristics of traditional possessory lien, which is the academic basis for the subsequent study on the possessory lien on vessel. 第一章较为详细地论述了一般留置权的概念、成立消灭条件、特征,是整篇论文的理论基础,为随后对船舶留置权的研究作了铺垫。
The fourth part is about possessory lien. 第四部分是关于船舶留置权中的问题。
Ship mortgage is also different from the ship preferred maritime lien and possessory lien. 船舶抵押权也不同于船舶优先权和船舶留置权。
The system of maritime possessory liens(" the system "in short) is one of the important systems of maritime law. 海事留置制度,即海事留置权制度,是一项重要的海事法律制度,也是海事物权担保制度之一。
This article did: full& scale research on different kinds of present possessory freehold estates, and suggested that the two main characters of estates in land of the American Property Law could be borrowed by our legal system. 本文对美国财产法上各种现实所有权做了分析研究,提出:美国财产法上的土地所有权制度值得为我所借鉴。
A Study on the System of Admiralty Possessory Lien 海事留置权制度之研究
Some Views on the Possessory Lien on Vessel in Maritime Law 论海商法中的船舶留置权
But in modern real right law, the possessory right should be in the superior position, which is not only the embodiment of the logic of the function and effect, but also the necessity of protecting the huge treasure and the weak. 但在现代物权法中,占有制度应居于优越地位,这不仅是占有功能、功效的逻辑体现,也是财产利用创造巨额财富和弱者保护等社会现实的需要。
Possessory liens under civil laws have detailed provisions, while in the aspect of possessory liens on ships, which are different from the former because of the particularity of maritime law. 我国民法上对留置权的规定较为详细,但在船舶留置权方面,由于《海商法》自身的特殊性,使其与民法上的留置权存在一定差异。
In the preface, this dissertation briefly concerns a few of the hot disputes onthe possessory lien stipulated in the Code and illustrates the methods of study. 前言简要说明了理论界对《海商法》中规定的留置权争鸣的广泛性,明确了本文的研究方法和研究目的。
The possessory lien on cargo in carriage by sea, as one of the important maritime trade legal system, whose exercise is not only for the protection of creditors, but also for safeguarding the legitimate interests of debtors. 海上货物留置权制度作为重要的海上贸易法律制度之一,其关乎到能否保障债权人的债权,还对能否维护债务人的正当权益起到影响。
Because the Possessory Manager can not replace the power of the company directors. 因为美国的管理权经理人不能取代债务人公司董事权力。
The possessory lien, which refers to the lien on the ship, is of the development and application in the maritime lien on civil law. 船舶留置权,是指以船舶为客体的留置权,它是民法上的留置权在海商法上的具体运用和发展。