Using Post-grouting Reinforcement Technique to Control the Settlement at the Back of Bridge in Dian-lin Expressway 高速公路桥背沉降控制的后注浆法应用研究
Application of post-grouting to end of deep diaphragm wall embedded in rocks 嵌岩超深地下连续墙后压浆技术应用
Study on negative friction mechanism of super-long post-grouting pile test 后压浆超长桩试验桩侧负摩阻力机理分析
The Technique of Bore Cast-in place Pile with Post-Grouting for Ovoid Digester Work 卵形消化池工程中的后压浆钻孔灌注桩技术
The Use of Post-grouting Technique at the Tip of Bored Cast-in-situ Pile 钻孔灌注桩桩端后注浆施工技术的应用
Technology of post-grouting piles ( 3)& the construction technique of grouting at tip of auger-drilled piles in a dry conditions 后注浆桩技术(3)&干作业钻孔灌注桩桩端压力注浆工艺
Application of Post-grouting Pile Tip Construction Technology to Pile Foundation Project of High-rise Building 桩端后压浆施工技术在高层建筑桩基工程中的应用
Analysis and calculation of additional stress in foundation soil due to tip resistance of Y-shaped vibro-pile The Use of Post-grouting Technique at the Tip of Bored Cast-in-situ Pile Y型桩桩端阻力产生附加应力的分析计算钻孔灌注桩桩端后注浆施工技术的应用
Post-Grouting Technology of Cast-in-Place Bored Pile in Soft Soil Region and its Application Examples 软土地区钻孔灌注桩后压浆技术及应用实例
Design and Application Research of Post-grouting CFG Pile Composite Foundation 后压浆CFG桩复合地基设计与应用研究
The research on the post-grouting of pile end construction technique in improving the loading capacity of pile foundation 桩端后注浆技术提高桩基承载力研究初探
Analysis on the Mechanism of Post-grouting Pile to Improve the Bearing Capacity of Bored Piles 桩端后压浆对提高钻孔灌注桩承载力的作用机理分析
Post-grouting technology is adopted in bored piles foundation of Tianjin Nilon Mansion project, which locates in Tianjin Xiangluowan Business District. 天津奈伦国贸大厦工程位于天津市响螺湾商务区,采用钻孔灌注桩后压浆施工工艺。
Test on Bearing Behavior of Long and Large Socketed Pile Pile-base Post-grouting 桩底后压浆的长大嵌岩桩承载性能试验
The pile-end post-grouting technology can help to improve the bearing capacity of drilled grouting piles and to decrease their sedimentation. 桩端后注浆可以提高钻孔灌注桩的承载能力,减少其沉降量。
Construction of 90 m Super Deep Bored Pile and Post-Grouting of Bottom Pile 90m超深钻孔灌注桩及其桩端后注浆的施工
Furthermore, the test results also show that mud protection makes the bearing of the piles decrease, and the bearing of pile can be improved by post-grouting. 试验也表明:泥浆护壁的成孔方式对桩体的承载性能有一定削弱作用,通过后注浆的工艺可得到改善。
Application of the post-grouting technology on project foundation treatment 后注浆技术在工程地基处理中的应用
Application of Post-grouting Pile Construction Technology to Construction Quality Problems of Slurry Wall Bored Piles 桩端后注浆施工技术在泥浆护壁钻孔灌注桩施工质量问题处理中的应用
Applications of Pile-end and Pile-side Post-grouting Technology of Bored Pile in a Project 钻孔灌注桩桩端桩侧后注浆技术在某工程中的应用
Applied Study on Post-Grouting Technology for Long Bored Pile down into Sand Layer 钻孔灌注长桩进入砂层的后注浆技术应用研究
Test research on bearing capacity character of post-grouting piles in loess area 黄土地区后压浆钻孔灌注桩承载力特性试验研究
Analysis and Application of Post-grouting Technique for Bored Pile 钻孔灌注桩后注浆技术的分析与应用
The pile-end post-grouting technology can increase the bearing capacity of piles and improve the bearing performance of piles. 桩端后压浆可以提高桩的承载力,改善桩的承载性状。
According to the data of test in situ, this paper analyzed the influence of post-grouting on the bearing capacity of boring pile. 根据桩基现场原位试验,分析研究了后压浆技术对钻孔灌注桩承载力性状的影响。
The Application and the Effect of Post-Grouting Technique in Labour Excavated Pile 后压浆技术在人工挖孔桩中的应用和效果
Secondly, the author analyses the mechanism that the post-grouting increases the bearing capacity of the bore pile. 其次,从分析影响桩基承载力的因素出发,对后压浆的作用机理进行探讨。
Analysis of the impact of post-grouting pile bearing capacity factors of size, post-grouted bored piles for the calculation of bearing capacity are discussed. 分析了影响灌注桩后压浆承载力大小的因素,对压浆后钻孔灌注桩承载力的计算进行了探讨。
And in the project case, four piles are chosen to carry out the static load test, based on the analysis of experimental results, the effect of Post-grouting technique is verified to improve the bearing capacity of pile foundation and reduce the settlement of pile foundation. 在工程实例中,选取了四根桩进行了承载力静载试验,通过对试验结果的分析,验证了后压浆技术对于提高桩基承载力及减少桩基沉降的显著效果。
Studies shown that, post-grouting pile technology significantly improved the engineering properties of pile, well increase the ultimate bearing capacity of pile, which has a good prospect of engineering application, social and economic benefits. 研究表明,灌注桩后压浆技术明显地改善灌注桩的工程特性,很好地提高了桩的极限承载力,具有良好的工程应用前景、社会效益和经济效益。