Results: The lowest blood pressure under anesthesia and the postanesthetic blood pressure in PIH group and the normal group were all lower compared with the blood pressure before anesthesia ( P < 0 01); 结果:麻醉后妊高征组与对照组的最低血压及麻醉后血压均较麻醉前血压显著降低(P<0.01);
Improvement of the safety in postanesthetic recovery for rhino-laryngeal surgery 提高鼻、喉手术全麻清醒期安全性的探讨&附1033例术后恢复室观察
Postanesthetic shivering under total anesthesia combined epidural anesthesia prevented by tramadol 曲马多预防全麻复合硬膜外麻醉后寒战研究
Comparison of Tramadol and Fentanyl for the Prevention of Postanesthetic Shivering 曲麻多,芬太尼用于全凭静脉麻醉后寒战的预防和治疗
Objective: To investigate the effects of Doxapram Hydrochloride on postanesthetic respiratory inhibition and resurgence. 目的:观察多沙普仑(佳苏仑)逆转全麻手术后呼吸抑制与催醒的临床效果。
Problems on the monitoring treatment for the postanesthetic convalescents in postanesthesia care unit ( Analysis of 2000 case) 麻醉后监护室病人监测治疗应注意的问题(附2000例分析)