Postcodes will be entered into the statisticians 'computers 邮编将被输入统计员的电脑中。
In the fragment shown below, a receiving application creates a MessageConsumer that filters for postcodes beginning with SO21. 在下面的代码片断中,接收应用程序创建了一个MessageConsumer&筛选邮政编码开头为SO21的消息。
There is a glaring problem with this phrase: while the ticket that gets pulled out of the tombola is chosen at random, the postcodes where you and I live are not. 这种表述中存在一个明显的问题:从彩票箱中抽取奖券带有随机性,而你我所居住区域的邮编却并非如此。
Postcodes were first introduced in germany. 德国首先采用邮政编码。
Fuzzy Recognition of Handwritten Postcodes 手写邮政编码的模糊识别方法
The main measure of achieving efficient distribution of posts is upgrading the capability of distinguish of the postcodes and the usage of the parallel procedure of posts sorting. 邮件分拣系统效率的提高主要采取的措施是提高邮码的识别率和分拣过程的并行处理。