The value of postcoital test in diagnosis and treatment of sterility and contraception 性生活后试验在不孕症诊治和避孕中的价值
Clinical analysis of postcoital test using lily contraceptive capsule 百合避孕囊房事后试验临床分析
The Period of Ovulation The Observation of the Endometrial Morphology Using Mifepristone as Postcoital Contraception in 米非司酮用于排卵期房事后避孕的子宫内膜形态学观察
A Clinical Observation on the Efficacy of Mifepristone in Conjunction with Misoprostol for Postcoital Contraception in Luteal Stage 米非司酮与米索前列醇用于黄体期避孕的效果观察
The Clinical Study of Two Lowdose Mifepristone for Emergency Postcoital Contraception 两种低剂量米非司酮用于房事后紧急避孕的临床研究
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the changes in endometrial morphology when mifepristone administration was used for postcoital contraception in the period of ovulation. Twenty-one healthy women were recruited. Mifepristone ( 300mg, orally) was given 72 hours apart after ovulation. 为了解米非司酮用于排卵期房事后避孕引起的子宫内膜形态学改变,选择21名健康育龄妇女做为受试者,于排卵后72小时内口服300mg米非司酮。
THE EFFICACY OF POSTCOITAL ORAL LEVONORGESTREL ADMINISTRATION IN THE PERI-OVULATORY PHASE OF MENSTRUAL CYCLE Type B ( 16 patients): The secretion peak of E2 disappeared in ovulatory phase although the secretion of P was normal. 排卵前后口服左旋18-甲基炔诺酮作为事后片临床避孕效果的研究B型16例,P分泌正常。但排卵期E2浓变显著降低;