Damian Scarf, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Otago, in New Zealand, tried the same experiment with pigeons, and he and two colleagues report in the current issue of the journal Science that the pigeons did just as well as the monkeys. 达米安斯卡夫是新西兰奥塔戈大学的博士后研究员,他对鸽子做了同样的实验。他和两个同事在本期的《科学》期刊上称鸽子在这方面的表现和猴子一样好。
Other HSPH researchers participating in the study include Edward Giovannucci and Meir Stampfer, professors of nutrition and epidemiology; Julie Kasperzyk, postdoctoral research fellow; 其他HSPH研究人员参与研究的包括爱德华Giovannucci和梅厄Stampfer,营养和流行病学教授,朱莉Kasperzyk,博士后研究员;
But it is familiar to anyone involved in cutting-edge research, even as a postdoctoral student. 但是对于任何一个从事前沿领域研究的人,即便是一个博士后,这种压力都是不陌生的。
Dr Cheng wrote and submitted this manuscript during his postdoctoral training in Sweden without informing our institution. 程博士在瑞典进行博士后训练时写和投的此稿,并未通知我们。
When you graduate, the laboratory you graduate from is going to play a role in determining what opportunities exist for your postdoctoral work, either in academia, industry, or other sectors. 当你研究生毕业后,你所在的实验室将扮演一个决定为你博士后工作机会的角色,或者在学术界,或者工业界,或者其他领域。
I'm doing postdoctoral research at the moment. 我正在做博士后研究。
Postdoctoral Station of Sinopec Zhongyuan Oilfield Company; 中国石化中原油田博士后科研工作站;
Research on How to Improve the Management of Postdoctoral Science Funds; The Doctorate of Business Administration has the same academic standing as a PhD. 完善博士后科学基金管理的问题探析工商管理学博士课程有着和其它博士课程同等的学术学位。
Postdoctoral Program, China University of Petroleum; 中国石油大学博士后流动站;
Talk to other graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in the laboratory and determine the work style of the laboratory. 和实验室里其他的博士生博士后谈一谈一了解那个实验室的工作习惯。
Also established in Shanghai in Shanghai soft information security postdoctoral research stations and substations information security laboratory Shanghai sub-centres. 在上海也建立了中软信息安全博士后研发工作站上海分站和信息安全实验室上海分中心。
Few graduate students think about applying for postdoctoral fellowships in a timely way. 极少的博士生极少思考在一个合适的时候申请博士后。
The main task for postdoctoral fellow is to investigate mechanism of metastasis of prostate cancer. 主要研究前列腺癌转移的发生机制。
Before returning to China, my innermost worry was whether the students at Tsinghua could perform up to the standards of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows at Princeton. 在回国之前,我内心深处最大的担忧是清华学生的表现是否及得上普林斯顿大学研究生和博士后的水平。
In the personnel that flow stands or job of postdoctoral scientific research pursues in workstation. 在流动站或工作站里从事博士后科研工作的人员。
CJ Pascoe is Postdoctoral Scholar with the Digital Youth Project at the Institute for the Study of Social Change, University of California, Berkeley. CJ帕斯科是数码青年项目与社会变迁的研究,美国加州大学伯克利分校的研究所博士后学者。
They have no prospect of permanent employment and often must obtain anew postdoctoral position and move every two years. 他们没什么拿到永久职位的盼头,常常必须每两年找一个新的博士后工作,然后搬家。
Our doctoral graduates are eagerly sought for postdoctoral and faculty positions, as well as by industry. 而我们的博士毕业生更是极受欢迎,无论是在博士后和教职工岗位上,还是在工业界都是如此。
The research group includes first author Li-Hung Lin, who performed many of the analyses as a doctoral student at Princeton and then as a postdoctoral researcher at the Carnegie Institution. 研究小组的第一作者Li-HungLin作为普林斯顿的博士研究生以及之后的卡内基基金会的博士后研究人员完成了许多分析工作。
In October of2008, Alphay became the substation of postdoctoral scientific research. 2008年10月,安惠公司成为博士后科研工作分站。
Postdoctoral stations have been sep up in all of the3 first-class subjects of TCM in the Academy. 博士后站已经构建在所有的三个一流学科对中医学院。
Attitudes about career paths have changed for the current generation of science graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. 当代的理科研究生和博士后研究人员对待职业生涯的态度有所转变。
That's the goal of TWAS'postgraduate and postdoctoral programme, which helps train the next generation of students and young researchers from countries lagging in science and technology. 那正是第三世界科学院的研究生和博士后计划的目标,它们帮助训练来自科学技术落后国家的新一代学生和年轻的科学家。
Postdoctoral scholar Susan Coller, PhD, is the other Stanford researcher included as an author of this publication. 斯坦福另一研究员、博士后学者SusanColler博士也是该文章的作者。
Postdoctoral Station of Mining Engineering, Chongqing University; 2. 重庆大学·矿业工程博士后流动站;
A postdoctoral position is an extension of your graduate training; maximize your gain in knowledge and experience. 博士后因该是你博士的延伸,因该是加深家阔你的知识和经验。
Six faculty members, four postdoctoral researchers, and graduate students work in the areas of global seismology, reflection seismology, geodynamics, geodesy, and paleomagnetism. 六个教员,四个博士后研究人员和研究生从事于区域内全球地震学、反射地震学、动力学、大地测量学、古磁学。
May Han, a postdoctoral scholar at Stanford and co-first author of the paper. MayHan是斯坦福大学的博士后学者和这篇文章的共同首作者。
D., postdoctoral fellow in pharmacology; and collaborators at Stanford University. 以及Stanford大学的研究合作人员。
Many companies invested in establishing postdoctoral research center. 很多公司投资建立博士后研究中心。