We'd been making cakes and colouring the posters 我们一直在做蛋糕,给海报上色。
Constable posters decorate the walls. 康斯太布尔风景画的海报装点着那些墙面。
Activists pasted up posters criticizing the leftist leaders. 激进分子张贴起海报批评左翼领袖。
They plastered the city with posters condemning her election 他们在城里到处张贴谴责她当选的海报。
His smiling face appears on T-shirts, billboards, and posters. 他的笑脸出现在T恤衫、公告牌和海报上面。
He has nowhere to stick up his posters 他没地方贴海报了。
I have a lot of posters of Harry Potter. 我有很多哈利波特的海报。
All sorts of publicity materials are being used in the campaign& videos, posters and leaflets. 竞选中使用了各种宣传材料&录像、海报及传单。
As a studio we mainly design posters, catalogues and identities for institutions. 作为一个工作室,我们主要是设计海报,信息设计和机构识别系统。
I like making all sorts of things, like posters, toys, and puppets. 我喜欢制作各种东西,如广告画、玩具和木偶。
Don't forget to take away all your posters. 别忘了将你所有的海报都带走。
We will need cooperation in developing art work for posters, merchandise bags and shopping bags. 我们需要合作制作海报、商品袋和购物袋。
I have photographs of me holding Barnabas Collins posters when I was five or six. 我有我的照片举行巴拿巴柯林斯海报时,我是五,六。
I've got posters of you, and pictures. 我有你的海报,画像。
Fact sheets, brochures and posters are also being distributed. 另外还分发了实况报道、宣传手册和海报。
She pasted posters onto the wall. 她把海报贴在墙上了。
His work was reproduced on posters, leaflets and magazines and reached far beyond the art gallery. 他的作品被复制在海报上、传单上及杂志上,远远超出了美术馆的范倒。
Earlier this week the Visual Studio team released updated VS2010 Keyboard Shortcut Posters. 上个星期早些时候,VisualStudio团队发布了一个更新版的VS2010键盘快捷键招贴画。
They bought a new machine to print the posters. 他们购置了一台新机器,用来印海报。
The campus was plastered with posters both supporting and condemning Mr ahmadinejad's appearance. 校内张贴了支持和谴责内贾德的海报。
They painted posters in all the streets and lanes. 他们把大街小巷都刷上了标语。
The ante-room was full of posters and advertisements. 接待室贴满了海报和广告。
On my bedroom walls there were posters of my favourite movie stars. 在我卧室的墙上,有我最爱好的片子明星的海报。
Beautiful posters displayed in bright colors and images, light box can give a new look dull stores. 美丽的海报显示在明亮的色彩和图像,灯箱可以给新期待暗沉商店。
Gretchen had tacked some prints and travel posters on the wall. 格雷琴把一些印刷品和旅游广告钉在了墙上。
Posters, banners, business cards, and index cards. 海报、横幅、名片和索引卡。
The banners and posters with which the square was decorated were all wrong! 广场上挂的旗帜、招贴都错了!
Posters were pasted up on the bulletin board. 布告栏上贴了一些海报。
I wanna plaster the densely-populated cities with posters proclaiming my unique inventions and qualifications and astonishing experiences. 我想要在所有人口密集的城市中贴上我的海报,来宣布我独一无二的创造和资历,还有令人惊讶的坎坷经历。