The result showed that sea cucumber polypeptide has no obvious effect on body weight in mice, significantly prolongs the time of loaded-swimming and rolling stick, stringly degrades the content of blood urea nitrogen and increases the content of hepatic glycogen of postexercise mice. 结果表明,低分子量海参肽对小鼠体重无显著影响,但能明显延长小鼠的负重游泳时间和转棒时间,显著降低运动后小鼠的血尿素氮含量,同时提高了肝糖原含量。
Effects of the Huangqi extract on the content of muscle glycogen and serum creatinine in postexercise mice 黄芪水提取液对运动后小鼠肌糖原和血清中肌酐含量的影响
Postexercise SBPs of 30 healthy volunteers were studied as healthy controls. 同时观测30例健康志愿者运动后血压的变化,作为参照。
Changes of postexercise human hemoglobin and hematocrit in hot and humid environment 高温高湿环境下运动后人体血红蛋白和红细胞比容的改变
The Relationship between the Free Radical in kidney and postexercise Proteinuria 肾脏的自由基代谢与运动性蛋白尿关系的实验研究
Postexercise blood pressure response and its predictive value in cases of perfusion abnormalities on~ ( 99m) Tc-MIBI scintigraphy 核素运动心肌断层显像中血压的变化及其对心肌灌注异常的预测价值
Analysis of postexercise proteinuria 运动性蛋白尿的分析
Fatigue in Exercise and Postexercise Recovery of Energy Matter 运动疲劳及运动后能源物质恢复
An Experimental Study of Effect of Thromboxane A and Prostacyclin on the Mechanisms of Postexercise Proteinuria in Rats 血栓素、前列环素与运动后蛋白尿生成机制的实验研究