Programmed cell death ( PCD) during tapetum degeneration in postmeiotic anthers is critical for the proper development of male gametophytes in flowering plants. 对显花植物而言,花粉囊绒毡层细胞程序化死亡(PCD)对减数分裂后雄胚子的正常发育是十分关键的。
The H3.3A gene may be required to provide postmeiotic histone H3.3 in the male germ line in transition to chromatin packaging in sperm. 并且,H3.3A基因可以在减数分裂后提供组蛋白H3.3,而组蛋白H3.3可能是雄性生殖系中精子的染色质包装所需要的。
Considering their expression pattern, the possible involvement of this gene in meiotic and postmeiotic processes has been suggested. 因而,这个基因有可能参与减数分裂及其以后的整个过程。