Children can develop bad postural habits from quite an early age. 儿童从很小就可能养成不良姿势的习惯。
Influence of postural change on intraocular pressure of normal and primary open-angle glaucoma Eyes 体位变化对正常眼和开角型青光眼眼压的影响
Observation of the Effects of Exercise and Postural Intervention within 6 Hours after Cesarean Section 剖宫产术后6h内运动与体位干预的效果观察
Hypertension and postural hypotension should be prevented. Studied the low temperature sensitivity coefficient ( LTSC) effect on high-energy nitroamine propellant throgh the termination experiment, closed bomb experiment and interior ballistic experiment. 预防高血压危象,体位性低血压等并发症。通过中止试验、压密闭爆发器试验与火炮内弹道试验研究了低温感高能硝胺发射药的低温感效果。
Low-grade Albuminuria and Subclinical Target Organ Damage in Essential Hypertensive Patients hypertension and postural hypotension should be prevented. 原发性高血压患者低水平白蛋白尿与亚临床靶器官损害预防高血压危象,体位性低血压等并发症。
With space-occupying lesions, the following may occur: headache on awakening or at night, fluctuation of headache with postural changes, and nausea and vomiting. 颅内占位性病变引起的头痛可出现下列情况:睡醒时或夜间头痛,体位改变引起头痛变化,恶心和呕吐。
When you use postural muscles, rather than phasic muscles, you will naturally produce whole body movement. 当你利用状态肌而不是运动肌群完成动作时,你的身体会很自然的做整体的运动。
Individualized postural education that addresses all postural stresses that the patient encounters in the course or the day. 对患者进行个体化的涉及患者遇到的所有体位性压迫体位指导与训练。
But what is the relevance of postural muscles to Taijiquan? 但是状态肌群又和太极拳有什么关系呢?
Methods Postural reactions of14 young people and14 older people as subjects were evoked by sudden unpredictable mediolateral translation platform. 方法利用足底水平干扰触发平台对14名老年人和14名年轻人进行突发侧向姿势干扰。
Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of postural reduction and bracing on thoracolumbar fractures without neurological deficit. 目的评价用体位复位和腰背支具保守治疗无神经损伤胸腰椎骨折的临床疗效。
Important history includes palpitation, duration of prodrome and recovery, and presence of postural or exertional symptoms. 重要病史包括:心悸、前驱症状及恢复时间、以及体位性或劳力性症状。
Chest percussion and vibration are used with postural drainage to help dislodge secretions. 在做体位引流时要敲击和振动胸部帮助分泌物松动排出。
Analysis of High Risk Factors for Biliary Tract Complication Following Liver Transplantation hypertension and postural hypotension should be prevented. 肝移植术后胆道并发症高危因素分析预防高血压危象,体位性低血压等并发症。
Effect of Massed Practice Training on Anticipatory Postural Adjustments in Children with Cerebral Palsy: Case Report. 大量练习平衡训练对于脑性麻痹儿童前置姿势调整的影响–个案报告。
A malfunction in the muscles of mastication or the temporomandibular joint can lead to postural difficulties through a descending route. 在咀嚼肌群或颞颚关节的功能异常且经由下行的路径而可能导致姿势上的困难。
Effect of canalith repositioning procedure on the postural stability in patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo 复位治疗对良性阵发性位置性眩晕患者姿势稳定性的影响
Any client with impaired mobility is at risk of developing contractures, postural abnormalities, and pressure sores. 活动能力受损的病人都有出现挛缩、位异常和褥疮等危险。
It is the facial expressions, body posture, limb movements and postural changes in a variety of symbolic images. 它是由人的面部表情、身体姿势、肢体动作和体位变化而构成的种种图象符号。
There were no observation on the postural hypotension, the serious adverse reactions and changes of the laboratory examinations. 未发生体位性低血压、不能耐受药物不良反应及实验室指标异常。
Your body feels light ( you can't feel postural muscles) and poised for action, perfectly balanced. 身体感觉很轻而且能在动作中保持平衡。
For example when we ride a bicycle, we keep our balance by the use of postural muscles. 举个例子,当我们骑自行车的时候,我们实际上是在用我们的状态肌肉来保持平衡。
Cervical kyphosis may represent the most disabling of these imbalances, for it can cause pain, postural difficulties, or neurologic deficit. 颈椎后凸畸形可能是失衡现象中最影响功能的,因为它可以导致疼痛、姿势障碍以及神经系统症状。
The postural stability and fatigue degree of locomotive drivers are measured and evaluated. 对机车司机工作过程中的身体状态、疲劳程度提出了测试方法与评价模式。
Research progress on postural nursing intervention for patients with ventilator associated pneumonia 体位护理干预呼吸机相关性肺炎的研究进展
The key to the development of normal movement is a child's postural tone. 发展正常运动最关键的就是孩子的姿势性张力。
Clinical Analysis of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome 儿童体位性心动过速综合征临床分析
Clinical study of associated manual rotation of fetal head with postural change on the modification of persistent occiput posterior position 手转胎头术配合体位改变纠正持续性枕后位的临床研究
Effects of postural change on tidal breathing parameters in wheezing infants 体位改变对喘息婴幼儿潮气呼吸肺功能的影响
You could then also use the'balancing'ability of postural muscles to effortlessly counteract any sudden change of direction. 你甚至也可以用状态肌“保持平衡”这一能力来很自然的应对来力方向的突然改变。