On one side, the Potemkin prosperity of East Berlin; on the other, the subsidized West Berlin of squatters and artists made famous by David Bowie. 一边是呈现波将金式繁荣的东柏林;另一边是充斥着擅自占用房屋者和艺术家,靠补贴度日,因大卫·鲍伊(DavidBowie)而闻名的西柏林。
This is, in short, Potemkin capitalism, a skin-deep imitation of the real thing. 简言之,中国股市只是“波将金”(potemkin)式的资本主义,是对股市本质的肤浅模仿。
The areas that couldn't be prettified in time were hidden behind Olympic billboards that would have made Grigori Potemkin proud. 在这一时刻,骄傲的格里戈里·波特金奥运广告牌背后隐藏着无法美化的区域。
The story is that PERT was a Potemkin Village kind of thing. 故事是关于PERT图这种类似于‘波将金村庄’(PotemkinVillage)之流用来充门面的东西的。
Indeed, those agencies have a reputation among traders of being like Potemkin villages. 实际上,这些机构在交易员眼中与波将金村(potemkianvillage)没什么不同。
From Odessa Steps to World Trade Center& the Passion for the Real in Battleship Potemkin and the Passion for 9/ 11 Among Us 从敖德萨阶梯到世贸中心&《战舰波将金》对真实的激情与我们对9·11的激情