Schwerdtfeger has dealt with his share of hecklers, and he says he tries whenever possible to see potshots as a chance to learn something. 施华德菲格也处理过不少类似情形,但他始终都尽可能把抨击的言论当做学习和改进的机会。
In other words, the era of entertaining potshots is over. 换言之,埃里森和贝尼奥夫打口水仗的时代宣告结束。
Couldn't we taking potshots at almost* any* other "web" framework? 那我们不是也可以肆意抨击几乎“任何”其它的“web”框架吗?
First it's the columnists taking potshots. 先是专栏作家受到迫害。
Reporters taking potshots at the mayor. 记者们对市长胡乱加以批评。
His opponents have taken potshots at him, set fire to his house and vandalised his car. 他的敌对者对他乱枪射击,烧了他的房子,毁坏了他的汽车。
Junior members are allowed to take potshots at the other party, but these are not allowed to develop into substantial disputes. 下级成员可以抨击其它党派,但不能发展成为有实质性的争议。
Robert Hormats, US undersecretary of state for economic, energy and agriculture affairs, took gentle potshots at China. 美国负责经济、能源与农业事务的副国务卿罗伯特霍马茨(RobertHormats)对中国提出了委婉的批评。
The newspapers took constant potshots at the president. 报界经常恣意批评总统。
Perhaps I might even take a few potshots at the train. 甚至我还可以对火车来几下。