Influence of Pozzolanic Material on Durability of GRC Based on Portland Cement 火山灰材料对硅酸盐水泥基体GRC耐久性的影响
The Influence of Calcinated Condition and Activator on the Pozzolanic Activity of Metakaolin 煅烧制度及激发剂对偏高岭土活性的影响
The composite did not exhibit cytotoxicity in the filter diffusion tests. The result shows that ( 1) Furnace slag is a kind oi artificial pozzolanic admixture. 滤膜扩散实验证明复合材料无细胞毒性。结果表明:(1)炉渣属火山灰质活性混合材料;
The pozzolanic reactivity of FBC and PC ashes was investigated based on the kinetics of the pozzolanic reaction. 用化学反应动力学方法研究固硫灰渣的火山灰反应特性,并与粉煤灰进行对比。
In this paper, excitation effects of alkali, gypsum, lime and temperature on the pozzolanic activity of fly ash were researched. 研究了碱、石膏、石灰和温度对粉煤灰火山灰活性的激发作用。
The results show that the pozzolanic activity of thermal activated coal gangue in the north of China is stronger than that in the south. 结果表明:我国北方热激发煤矸石的活性普遍高于南方热激发煤矸石;
Pozzolanic materials used for cement production GB/T2847-1996用于水泥中的火山灰质混合材料
Activate the potential activity is the main purpose of the study about the pozzolanic properties of fly ash. 粉煤灰火山灰性能的研究主要是研究如何激发其潜在活性。
Study on Property Characteristics and Pozzolanic Effect of Mechanical Activated Off Ash Gas 机械活化烟气灰的性能特征及其火山灰效应研究
Study of Effect of Different Activators on the Pozzolanic Activity of Fly Ash 不同激发剂对粉煤灰火山灰活性的影响
Morphology and composition of fly ash residues of pozzolanic reaction 粉煤灰火山灰反应残渣的形貌及组成
Results show that the CaO absorption capability and pozzolanic reactivity of AFA are obviously higher than that of FA. 结果表明:活化灰早期碱吸收能力和火山灰活性比原状粉煤灰显著提高。
A Research on Particle Constitution of Fly Ash and Pozzolanic Activity of Fly Ash Ground Traditionally 粉煤灰的颗粒组成与磨细灰的火山灰活性
Kinetics of Pozzolanic Reaction for Preparation of Flue Gas Desulfurizer from Fly Ash and Calcium Hydroxide 粉煤灰与氢氧化钙火山灰反应制备烟气脱硫剂的动力学分析
Electrochemical Study of Pozzolanic Activity and Water Requirement Ratio of Fly Ash 粉煤灰火山灰活性与需水量比的电化学研究
CSH gel with low water content forms in the pozzolanic reaction of fly ash. 粉煤灰的火山灰反应生成的也是含水率较低的CSH凝胶。
The steam curing condition has no effect on the variety of the hydration products but on their amount and improves pozzolanic activity of mineral admixtures. 蒸汽养护条件下,复合胶凝材料的水化产物种类不变,但水化产物含量增多。
Study of Activator Steel Slag Cement Using Chemical Activator Study of Effect of Different Activators on the Pozzolanic Activity of Fly Ash 复合激发剂活化多组分钢渣胶凝材料的研究不同激发剂对粉煤灰火山灰活性的影响
Soluble sio_2 content in fly ash under different alkali conditions and the relationship between the concentration and pozzolanic activity index of fly ash 粉煤灰中SiO2在不同碱性条件下的溶出量及与火山灰活性指数的关系
Pozzolanic reactivity and reaction kinetics of fly ash 粉煤灰火山灰反应性及其反应动力学
The impact on the pozzolanic effect by the fineness of superfine slag powder is changed with content. 掺量不同,火山灰效应受矿渣微粉细度的影响也不同。
Requirements for the filters to protect fly ash slurry are higher than those in compacted soils; The engineering properties of fly ash are getting better with time because of the pozzolanic action. 由于凝硬作用的影响,粉煤灰的工程性质可能随时间增长而改善,浸水可能不致于使灰的性能恶化;
However, it is necessary to consider the CH consumption due to pozzolanic reaction of mineral admixtures when using CH content to determine the hydration degree of CCM. 化学结合水法和氢氧化钙法均能表征胶凝材料的水化程度,当采用氢氧化钙法时,应考虑掺合料火山灰反应影响;
Morphology and chemical composition of fly ash residues of pozzolanic reaction were investigated by scanning electron microscopy ( SEM) and electron probe microanalysis ( EPMA). 采用扫描电镜和电子探针等分析手段研究了粉煤灰火山灰反应残渣的形貌和化学组成。
The mechanical properties of mortar can be improved by the introduction of additives with pozzolanic activities such as metakaolin or calcined bentonite. 通过掺加偏高岭土或煅烧膨润土等火山灰活性掺合料可弥补砂浆力学性能的不足。
Effect of differences in pozzolanic reactivity among low-limed fly ashes on strength of cement mortar was investigated. 探讨了不同品质粉煤灰火山灰活性上的差异对水泥基材料强度的影响。
Mean while, the increase of kaolinite layer's space by the modification can improve this pozzolanic activity. 而通过加入改性剂改性,增大了高岭石的层间距离,可提高其制得的变高岭石的火山灰活性。
The pozzolanic activity of the self-ignited coal gangue was measured and analyzed, the influence of different amounts of addition of the clinker, gypsum and activator on mechanical properties of the self-ignited gangue cement mortar was also examined, and its hydrating products were analyzed. 检测和分析了自燃煤矸石的火山灰活性,考察了水泥熟料、石膏和激发剂不同掺入量对自燃煤矸石水泥石力学性能的影响,并对其水化产物进行了分析。
The study on the structure, pozzolanic activity and the application in high performance concrete of metakaolin is reviewed. 介绍了偏高岭石结构、火山灰性及其在高性能混凝土中应用研究现状。
The pozzolanic reaction ratio of fly ash was measured. 测定了粉煤灰火山灰的反应率;