Determination of ppb level anions in sulfolane by ion chromatography with a novel column-switching injection system; 综述了离子色谱技术在气溶胶可溶性无机离子测定中的应用。
The SEM of the impact part showed that the composite presented an obvious tough break. SEM断口分析表明,加入SiO2及PE-g-MAH的PPB复合材料呈现明显的韧性断裂特征。
DON amounts of various components were in the range of 2900~ 18670 ppb during milling process. 制粉过程各组分DON含量在2900~18670ppb之间。
The ratio of polymorphic bands ( PPB) was 67.79%. 扩增片段中多态性带141条,平均多态性比率(PPB)为67.79%。
Several nuclei disappearance. The aflatoxin B: was found 300 ppb in feed. 饲料中黄曲霉毒素B1含量为300ppb。
The formation of PPB carbides is related to the amount of residual oxygen in alloy. PPB碳化物的形成主要是和合金中残留氧量有关。
The results showed that ozone and PAN in most area of east China were increased by biogenic NMHC, the average maximum increment of ozone and PAN were 9? ppb and 0 6? ppb respectively. 研究结果表明,生态NMHC使我国东部大部分地区臭氧和PAN增加,最大平均增量分别为9ppb和06ppb;
The linear range is 3 orders of magnitude and the detection limits is 10 ppb. 标准曲线的线性范围达3个数量级,检测下限为10ppb,方法的平均回收率为98.7%,变异系数为2.99%。
The ( analysis) of IR showed that the hydroxyl group of SiO_2 surface decreased, and the polarity was weakened, so the compatibility of PPB matrix was enhanced. 红外分析表明,表面处理后的SiO2表面羟基减少,极性明显减弱,增加了与PP基体的相容性;
The mean U content in mineral water is 9.20 ± 0.16 ppb, which is 10 times higher than that in other beverages. 矿泉水中铀含量平均值为9.20±0.16ppb,为饮料中平均铀含量的10倍。
Objective To summarize the CT features of pleuropulmonary blastoma in children in order to improve the early diagnostic rate. 目的总结小儿胸膜肺胚细胞瘤(pleuropulmonaryblastoma,PPB)的CT表现特点,以提高早期诊断率。
The metal ions of ppb level in water samples can be measured by atomic absorption spetroscopy. 用原子吸收分光光度法测定水样中金属离子下限可达ppb级。
A new method of ion chromatography to determine polyphosphates simultaneously in ppb(μ g/ 1) level was established. 建立了同时测定ppb级(μg/1)多聚磷酸盐的离子色谱新方法。
By scrubbing with dilute polysulfide solution, the residual mercury in the gas can be removed from about 0.1 to below 0.01 ppb, a reduction of 900%. 用稀多硫化物溶液去洗涤气体中残留的汞,能从0.1ppb脱除到低于0.01ppb,减少90%。
A detection limit of 0.1 ppb was obtained from the substrates with 60-nm sized Au NPs, which is to our knowledge the lowest detection limit reported for DPA using this type of SERS substrate. 60nmAuNPs制备的基底得到的检测下限为0.1ppb,据我们所知,这已经是用此类型SERS基底来检测DPA的报道中最低限了。
After optimization, qualitative detection of p-aminophenol, p-nitroaniline, aniline and benzidine were achieved with the limit of detection in ppb level. 通过对银溶胶浓度和凝聚剂浓度等实验条件的优化,实现了对苯胺、联苯胺、对氨基苯酚和对硝基苯胺的定性分析,检测限达ppb级。