Shizuishan Municipal District Elementary and Middle Schools PPD Test Result Condition Investigation 石嘴山市辖区中小学PPD试验结果状况调查
Effect of PPD on PAA solution property and fiber structure PPD对PAA溶液性质及其纤维结构的影响
The positive rate of PPD test was no significant difference among each year. 各年度结核菌素阳性率差异无显著性;
Less educated, negative life events, negative coping, neurotic character, marital dissatisfaction and lack of social support are all the risk factors of the development of PPD. 受教育程度低、负性生活事件、消极应对方式、神经质个性特征、婚姻不满意、缺乏社会支持是产后抑郁发生的危险因素;
Objective To increase the exceptionally good degree of the pure tuberculin experiment ( PPD) checkout tubercule infection under the now available condition. 目的现有条件下提高纯结素实验(以下简称PPD)检测结核感染的特异度。
Although PPD attempts to be accurate in making these forward-looking statements, it is possible that future circumstances might differ from the assumptions on which such statements are based. 尽管PPD力图准确表述这些前瞻性陈述,但今后的情形仍然有可能与此类陈述所依据的假设产生差异。
The PPD solution operates on a bidding system much like Google's AdWords does. 这种解决方案的竞标系统与谷歌AdWords提供的服务类似。
Objective: To evaluate the value applied of PPD test in prevision the curative effect of PTB, to find out a prevision method for detecting the effect of PTB, and to guide treatment. 目的:评估PPD试验对肺结核治疗疗效的预测中的应用价值,为预测肺结核的疗效提供一种预测方法,并指导结核病的治疗。
The object of this study is to calculate predicted mean vote ( PMV) and predicted percentage of dissatisfied ( PPD) under thermal environment index. 探讨建筑室内温热环境指标的预计冷热感指标PMV,以及冷热舒适感预计不满率PPD的具体计算内涵。
Detection of serum anti PPD lgG and tuberculin test in the diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis 血清结核抗体检测及结核菌素试验对肺结核病诊断的价值
Preparation of PPD and Crystalline Wax Dispersant and Performance Research on Lowering SP and CFPP 柴油降凝剂和蜡晶分散剂的制备及降凝降滤性能研究
A prenatal analysis of these factors is conduce to the prediction of PPD. 产前心理社会因素分析有助于预测产后抑郁的发生;
These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing PPD's estimates or views as of any date subsequent to the date hereof. 在本公布日期之后,这些前瞻性陈述不得被视为代表PPD的估计或观点的依据。
They are actually suffering from a disease called postpartum depression, or ppd. 事实上,她们患了一种名为“产后忧郁症”(简称ppd)的疾。
Result analysis of the PPD experiment on certain college students 某高校大学生结核菌素试验结果分析
The preliminary study on in vivo transdermal experiments of 20 ( S)-protopanaxadiol ( PPD) of four formulations 20(S)-原人参二醇4种剂型在体透皮实验的初步研究
This article refers to what PPD can undermine the special structure of thick crude oil, and crude oil viscosity and pour point reduction in the chemical agent. 本文所说降凝剂是指能破坏特稠原油的结构力,使原油粘度和凝点降低的化学剂。
Nevertheless, women who are afflicted with PPD need not give up hope. 不过,患有产后忧郁症的妇女不用灰心。
The Clinic Significance of Purified Protein Derivative ( PPD) Test in Drug Addict with Pulmonary Tuberculosis 结核菌素纯蛋白衍生物皮试对吸毒肺结核患者的检测及其意义
Clinical Value of Protein-chip Combined with PPD in Diagnosis of Tuberculos Pleuritis 结核蛋白芯片联合PPD皮试检测对结核性胸膜炎临床诊断价值的研究
After this life-changing event I feel like I'm even better than I was before I had the PPD, both at work and at home. 在经历过这一改变人生的事件之后,我觉得自己甚至比患上产后抑郁症之前更加快乐,工作和家庭生活都是如此。
PPD not only have a well-dewaxing role but also to tolerate a variety of external changes and add intensity and drug concentration. 一个好的降凝剂不仅具备降凝作用而且要耐受各种外力变化和强度以及加药浓度的影响。
The positive rate of PPD test was no significant difference among each year. Clinical and Epidemiological Significance of Tuberculin Reaction 各年度结核菌素阳性率差异无显著性;结核菌素试验的临床与流行病学意义
PPD assumes no obligation and expressly disclaims any duty to update these forward-looking statements in the future, except as required by applicable law. PPD没有任何未来更新这些前瞻性陈述的义务,并明确表示不承担任何未来更新这些前瞻性陈述的责任,除非受到适用法律要求。
Effects of local heating on purified protein derivative skin test 局部加温对PPD试验结果的影响研究
Styrene maleic anhydride copolymer A pour point depressant ( PPD) for improving the cold fluidity of diesel oils was studied. 对柴油降凝剂进行了研究,降凝剂为苯乙烯、顺丁烯二酸酐及正十八胺三元共聚物。
These and other PPD risk factors are set forth in more detail from time to time in our SEC filings, copies of which are available free of charge upon request from PPD's investor relations department. 以及PPD时常在向美国证券交易委员会呈报的文件中详细列出的其他风险因素,您可向PPD投资者关系部门免费索取这些文件的副本。
Objective To evaluate the clinical value of Anti PPD IgG in pleural effusion for the patients with tuberculous pleurisy. 目的评价胸水抗PPD-IgG检测对结核性胸膜炎的临床意义。
Objective To evaluate the value of tuberculosis antibody and PPD test. 目的对血结核抗体和PPD试验用于肺结核诊断的价值进行评估。