SCMPPM combines a technique called structure context modeling ( SCM) with the PPM compression scheme. SCMPPM结合了称为结构上下文建模(SCM)的技术和PPM压缩方案。
PPM is an adaptive statistical data compression technique based on context modeling and prediction. PPM是自适应统计数据压缩技术,基于上下文建模和预测。
This article provides a high-level introduction to both PPM and the IBM tools that can help organizations implement it. 本文为项目组合管理和IBM能够帮助组织实施项目组合管理的工具提供了一个高层次的介绍。
XMLPPM is a streaming XML compressor that uses a multiplexed hierarchical PPM model called MHM. XMLPPM是流XML压缩器,使用称为MHM的复用分层PPM模型。
Some of the PPM solutions offer advanced features with capabilities to track project and portfolios to different degrees. 一些PPM解决方案提供高级的特性,能够不同程度地跟踪项目和投资组合。
On one side, PPM compression achieves the best compression ratio while gzip achieves the least compression ratio. 一方面,PPM压缩可以实现最好的压缩比,而gzip实现的压缩比较差。
Typically these companies will acquire one of the niche PPM vendors and make it part of their tools business. 显然这些企业将收购一个小PPM厂商并将其作为工具业务的一部分。
Here is partial output of the successful ppm session which installed the Perl DBI. 下面是安装了PerlDBI的成功ppm会话的部分输出。
PPM activities, in my definition, consist of the following core competencies. 在我的定义里,PPM活动,包括以下核心能力。
The ppm needs to access the internet to download and install the packages. ppm需要访问Internet来下载和安装这些包。
Resource and risk management are part of PPM's general management focus. 资源和风险管理是项目组合管理的综合管理焦点的一部分。
A PPM tool is not like a standalone development tool. PPM工具不像一个独立的开发工具。
As you enter this phase, you are ready to begin integrating current and future project portfolio management ( PPM) into your overall system. 当进入到该阶段,您就准备开始将当前和未来的项目投资组合管理(PPM)整合到您的整个系统中来。
Are you ready for a PPM implementation? 您准备好实现PPM了吗?
How does PPM enhance the quality of diagnosis, treatment, decentralize and make treatment conveniently accessible for patients? 公私混合如何提高诊断和治疗质量?它如何下放权力,便利患者治疗?
The 100 ppm level took effect June 1, 1994. 百分之一级生效1994年6月1日。
Note: PPM means part per million, usually a measure of quality. 注:PPM是百万分之一件的缩写,通常是质量的一种指标。
Probabilistic Packet Marking ( PPM) is an efficient and practical scheme. 概率包标记(PPM)是一种比较有效且实用的解决方法。
PPM can also reduce indirect costs for patients by providing services closer to their homes or workplace. 此外,采用公私混合方法,在患者住家或工作场所附近提供医疗服务可以减少患者的间接费用。
If you have firewall software installed you may need to set some environment variables to use ppm correctly. 如果已经安装了防火墙软件,那么可能需要设置一些环境变量才能正确使用ppm。
Three key technologies, CPK, SPC and PPM, for evaluating quality and reliability of IC chips were studied. 对CPK、SPC和PPM三项评价IC芯片质量和可靠性的关键技术进行了研究。
PPM-based error control code modulation in optical wireless communications 无线光通信中PPM的差错编码调制研究
Performance Analysis of Wireless Optical Communication Systems Based on PPM and RS 基于PPM和RS码的无线光通信系统性能分析
An Inhalation Lclo ( Mouse) of 9600 ppm for four hours has been determined. 四小时吸入Lclo(鼠)为9600ppm已经被确定。
Carbon dioxide is a minor but important constituent of the atmosphere, averaging about 0.03% or 300 ppm by volume. 二氧化碳是空气的含量较小但很重要的组成成分,体积比平均约为0.03%或300ppm。
Supplier audit, technical review, follow new component APQP, PPAP approval and PPM managment. 供应商审核,技术评审,新产品APQP开发跟踪,PPAP批准,PPM管理。
As had been expected, nitrite ion concentrations below the0.1 ppm limit of quantitation were found in. 像人们预料,亚硝酸盐离子浓度低于0.1分之极限发现的定量果蔬汁审查。
Hardware simulation of TH_PPM in UWB communication system UWB通信系统中THPPM调制的硬件仿真实现