Far from being a dreamer, she's a level-headed pragmatist. 她是个头脑冷静的务实派,绝不是一个不切实际的人。
Livni is a pragmatist who favors negotiation, and has spoken of a need to make territorial concessions in return for peace. 利夫尼是个务实派,她支持谈判,而且说过有必要做出领土上的让步以换取和平。
Mr Obama is intelligent, inspiring and appears by instinct to be a consensus-seeking pragmatist. 奥巴马聪明,有感染力,似乎骨子里就是一个始终寻求共识的实用主义者。
I would like to think that I'm a pragmatist and that I will use those things that help me and discard those that don't. 我希望被认为是一个实用主义者,我只使用那些可以帮我的东西,忽略那些对我没有用处的东西。
Based in the smog-ridden, concrete jungle of Hong Kong, he insists he is not a pot-smoking, bicycle-riding hippy but a pragmatist on a mission to promote sustainable business models that have social benefits. 他的工作地点位于被雾霾笼罩、高楼林立的香港,他坚持表示,他不是一个抽大麻、骑自行车的嬉皮士,而是一个务实的人,以推广具有社会效益的可持续商业模式为己任。
Mr Prescott may be a business pragmatist, but he is not a philistine. 普雷斯科特也许是一个奉行实用主义的商人,但他却不是个俗人。
She is a pragmatist who looks for solutions to problems, and eschews ideology. 她是一个务实主义者,寻求问题的解决方法,并回避意识形态问题。
Yoichi Funabashi, chairman of the Rebuild Japan Initiative Foundation, said Mr Abe was a pragmatist, prepared to rein in his nationalist ideology in the national interest. 日本再建基金会(RebuildJapanInitiativeFoundation)主席船桥洋一(YoichiFunabashi)表示,安倍晋三是一个务实的人,愿意从国家利益出发,收敛自己的民族主义意识形态。
But the former finance minister insisted that he was a pragmatist. 但这位墨西哥前财政部长坚称自己是一名务实者。
But I'm a pragmatist and you can't make a living with the Chinese language in Singapore. 但是,我重务实,不能靠华语在新加坡找生活。
Viewed from western architecture, this is long-term revolution relating to function in pragmatist viewpoint. 纵观西方建筑史,从实用主义观点来看其实这就是一场围绕功能而展开的漫长革命。
Mr Paulson, a fan of free-markets, has long been seen as suspect by the right for being a pragmatist not an ideologue, and for his environmental credentials. 作为自由市场的支持者,保尔森长期以来一直受到右翼人士的怀疑,因为他是一位实用主义者,而非思想家,还因为他的环保资历。
But he has been eager to position himself as more of a pragmatist than Mr Chen. 但他渴望将自己定位成有别于陈水扁的务实主义者。
I'm a, philosophically I'm a pragmatist. 从哲学上来讲,我是个实用主义者。
He was enough of a pragmatist, and opportunist, not to quibble. 他已经做够了实用主义者、机会主义者,不想再吹毛求疵。
Back in2001 I thought of myself as a pragmatist, and I still do. 回到2001年,我当时认为自己是个实干的人,现在我也这么看。
And Cristen Conger's full post is full of much more interesting information and is worth a read, no matter whether you label yourself as a pragmatist or optimist, happy or unhappy. 而且CristenConger的全文中拥有大为有趣的信息,不论你是将自己看做务实者还是乐观者,看做是快乐还是不快乐的一个人都是值得一读的。
The president sees himself as a pragmatist. 奥巴马自视为一位实用主义者。
He's a former foreign minister who has led the Arab League: a veteran politician and pragmatist who would constitute a breath of fresh air but not a gust of it. 他是前任的外交部长,并曾领导过阿拉伯联盟,也是一位政治老手和使用主义者,能带来一股新鲜的空气而不能掀起大的风浪。
Yet Mr Summers says labelling him simply a pragmatist sells him short: "I would say he was very much an activist and an internationalist-and these were high principles." 不过,萨默斯表示,仅把盖特纳视为务实者是低估了他:“我可以说,他其实是一位行动主义者和国际主义者这些是最高原则。”
The malleable mind of the pragmatist. Relationship Between Perfectionism and Coping Style as Well as Depression of Adolescents 实用主义者那适应性很强的思想青少年完美主义与应付方式和抑郁的关系
One way to summarise their relationship is that he is the dreamer, and she is the pragmatist. 可以用一句话概括他们的关系-他是个梦想家,而她是个现实者。
By repairing relations with neighbours, he can demonstrate to the electorate that he is not the dangerous nationalist he is sometimes made out to be, but rather a pragmatist who occupies the safe centre ground. 通过修补与邻国的关系,安倍可以向日本选民展示,他并不像外界有时候所认为的那样,是个危险的民粹主义者,而是一个占据安全的中间立场的务实主义者。
But* I need you to be a hard-headed pragmatist. 但是,我需要你冷静务实。
Pragmatist Grice therefore puts forward conversational implicature theory and principles of cooperation. 对于语义视角的连贯研究所存在的不足之处,语用学家Grice采用会话含义理论和合作原则进行了弥补。
The codification of European private international law manifests the constructive rationalism and the analyst philosophy, while the codification of American private international law is characterized by the evolutional rationalism and the pragmatist philosophy. 欧洲大陆国际私法法典化体现的是建构理性和分析主义法哲学观,而美国的国际私法法典化体现的是演进理性和实用主义法哲学观。
As a pragmatist, he is also a harmonic person, to Kant 'stranscendental knowledge theory as a practical socialist transformation. 作为一个实用主义者,他也是一个调和者,给康德的先验知识论作了一个实用主义的改造。
In the eyes of occident people, Holmes is a revolutionaries, liberalist and pragmatist in the realm of law, and a mechanist of law theory. 在西方人眼中,霍姆斯是一个法律领域的革命者、自由主义者、实用主义者,也是一个法律理论上的机械论者。
He defined this kind of view as pragmatist interpretation and called it performing interpretation. 他将这种解释理论看作是实用主义解释观,并称作为表演性的解释。