His aim is honorable and praiseworthy. 他的目的是高尚的,值得称赞的。
While I agree that it is overweight, overpriced, and won't excite any hot-shoe drivers, the CrossCabrio is praiseworthy in several respects. 我也同意它太重了,价格也太贵,加速性也不能让飙车迷兴奋起来。不过它在几个方面还是值得表扬的。
One thing is praiseworthy about it, though-nobody in Hong Kong worries about being punished FOR what he says. 惟有一点是值得称许的,是发言者从没有害怕过被秋后算帐。
We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done. 要将耶和华的美德和他的能力,并他奇妙的作为,述说给后代听。
Not all comments were praiseworthy, however; those who denounce public breastfeeding were quick to jump on the bandwagon. 但并不是所有的评论都是正面的,也有人跳出来对公共场合母乳喂养表示指责。
Make early, wise choices to value what ( and who) is good, trustworthy, and praiseworthy. 早一点做出明智的选择,明确对自己来说什么或者谁才是好的、值得信赖的以及值得称赞的。
That we should back the workers and not the shirkers: that it is not only permissible but praiseworthy to want to benefit your own family by your own efforts. 我们应当支持工作者,而不是耍滑的人。不仅要允许,而且要赞扬那些希望通过自己努力令自己家庭受益的人。
Right now my Chinese is not praiseworthy, that is why I am writing this article in english. 现在我的中文不值一提,这也就是为什么我用英文写这篇文章的原因。
We are very celebrated in industry rely to praiseworthy professional technology and good after service. 凭借精湛的专业技术及良好的售后服务,在业内赢得一定的知名度。
And only those successes which have been achieved after many failures are really valuable and praiseworthy. 只有经过许多次失败后取得的成功才是真正有价值和值得称赞的。
Your ideas of carrying on my Dharma teachings in daily life is most praiseworthy. 您要在日常生活中身体力行我的佛法教示的想法是很值得称许的。
The naming of the disease itself perhaps represents a praiseworthy effort of observation. 这种疾病的命名本身也许就说明了一个可贵的观察成果。
Obviously, to the clever or the dull by nature, if they are determined to get praiseworthy achievements, they must study hard and practise more. ☆很显然,无论是天资比较聪明的人或走天资比较驽锐的人,如果他们决心要得到值得称违的成就,都必须勤学苦练才行。
Finding Nemo is the most praiseworthy animation I've ever seen. 《海底总动员》是我看过的最棒的动画片。
This is praiseworthy except that Western countries are now selling cigarettes in the East in greater numbers than ever. 此举值得赞许,但美中不足的是西方国家现在卖往东方的香烟达到空前的数量。
Their effort toward the settlement of the border dispute be praiseworthy 他们为解决边界争端所作的努力是值得赞扬的
A significant and praiseworthy increase in computer intelligence 一个电脑智能开发方面重大而又可喜的进步
A politician, political leader or public official who helps friends, family members or supporters may seem praiseworthy in some societies and corrupt in others. 在某些社会里,政客、政治领袖或公务人员帮助朋友、家人或支持者,是可歌可颂的事情。
Yuan Hongming: A Praiseworthy Man of Folkloric History of Dongguan 袁洪铭:东莞民间文学史上值得一提的人
His painstaking to attain his goal in life is praiseworthy. 他为实现人生目标所下的苦功是值得称赞的。
From today's perspective, the incident itself is not praiseworthy. However, the behavior of people is often the outward expression of deep emotions. 今天看来,“妓鞋行酒”本身并无夸耀之处,然任何行为方式往往是人深层心灵的外化表达或异化显现。
If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things. 任何善良,优美,好名声,或值得赞扬的事,我们皆追求之。
Although that longevity is praiseworthy, their reluctance to hand over the reins of their empires often leads to family members battling one another in the courts. 尽管他们的长寿值得称赞,但他们对权位的贪恋往往导致家庭成员对簿公堂。
That morning was of a praiseworthy sort. 那天早晨真值得赞美。
Any higher standard of care that the researchers or sponsors are able to provide is supererogatory: that is, morally praiseworthy, but not obligatory. 这样,研究者和试验发起人给予的任何更高层次的关心都是额外的:也就是说,在道德上值得称颂,但并不是义务的。
This work is therefore praiseworthy, and you gentlemen of Nanking should not adopt a casual attitude towards it. 因此,这件工作是应当受到赞美的,南京的先生们对此不应当表示不够郑重的态度。
China must also receive credit for vigorously complying with intellectual property rights agreements since joining the WTO The impulse to invest ethically is praiseworthy, but I'm skeptical of "one size fits all" approaches to it. 加入wto之后,中国努力按照这些条约办事的精神很值得赞赏。促进合乎道义的投资是值得赞赏的,但我怀疑这种一刀切的做法能否行得通。
It's really a praiseworthy act. 这真是个可靠的行为。
Solid fundation and panel surface combined is spright comparison, shows the individual style, the most praiseworthy is it is infrequent in the market, it really developed a school of its'own. 底座实木和上面板式的搭配,对比明快,个性彰显,最为可贵的是市场上极为少见,可谓独树一帜。
To the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts after graduate courses specializing in painting portraits, original line drawing by overlapping the fine arts of painting and praiseworthy. 后至广州美术学院国画系研究生班专修人物画,因独创的线描重叠画法而为美术界所称道。