But the transfer never went through and reports have suggested that Liverpool are now favourites to sign a pre-contract agreement with Chamakh, whose current deal expires in the summer. 但是现在,这桩转会不会得到通过。现在有报道说利物浦现在对和查马克达成一个提前的个人约定很有兴趣。
Real Betis have secured a pre-contract agreement with Juventus midfielder Olivier Kapo. 皇家贝蒂斯已经和尤文图斯中场卡波达成了初步协议。
Sky Sports News understands Liverpool are close to agreeing a pre-contract deal with Standard Liege striker Milan Jovanovic. 据天空体育新闻了解利物浦几乎接近与标准列日前锋约瓦诺维奇签下预约合同。
The pre-contract with the supervision and the nature of the accounting oversight has had things in common, accounting for the accounting staff to provide supervision before a new way. 合同所具有的事前监督的性质与会计事前监督具有相通之处,为会计人员进行会计事前监督提供了一条新途径。
According to french and catalan medias, Jose Mourinho has already signed a pre-contract with AC Milan. 根据法国和加泰罗尼亚媒体的报道,何塞。穆里尼奥已经和米兰签下了一份预备合同。
The existence of pre-contract obligations and violation thereof are the premises of liabilities. 而先合同义务的存在和违反是承担缔约过失责任的前提。
Chamakh is out of contract at Bordeaux at the end of the season and can now sign a pre-contract agreement to move in the summer which could be a bargain buy for Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez. 查马克和波尔多的合同将在本赛季结束后到期,利物浦主帅拉法·贝尼特斯希望现在能和他预签一份协议,以作为他能在夏天加盟的筹码。
This dissertation is to discuss the concept, the formation, the classification, the legal effect and academic basis of pre-contract. 本文主要探讨预约的内涵、成立、分类、效力和法理基础的问题。
Pre-contract is an agreement that both parties are to reach in the future. 预约是双方当事人为将来订立一定合同的意思表示的协议。
Owing to no specific regulation on preliminary agreement and pre-contract in current civil law, relevant judicial explanation shall be formulated through the Supreme Court, and the pre-contract should be established in the future civil law. 鉴于我国对意向协议书和预约合同未作出明文规定,文中建议我国最高法院出台相应的司法解释,并在未来民法典中确立预约制度。
A pre-contract does not exclude in nature the application of real performance, damage compensation and penalty regulation of damages and deposit. 从性质上讲,预约责任不排斥实际履行、损害赔偿、违约金及定金罚则的适用。
There are some defects in the article of the pre-contract liability defined in Contract Law of China in view of its essential components. 从其构成要件看,我国《合同法》确定的缔约过失责任仍存在着一定的缺陷。
The law base of contracting fault responsibility is the pre-contract obligation with the principle of honesty and credit. 缔约过失责任的法律基础,是建立在诚实信用原则之上的先合同义务。
The informing obligation roots the greatest principle of honesty and prestige in insurance law, and it is a sort of legal pre-contract obligation, taking on some characteristics such as unilateralism, faith, finity, equlity and so on. 告知义务源于保险法中最大诚信原则,属法定的先契约义务,具有单方性、诚信性、有限性、衡平性等特点。
Essentials of contracting failure responsibility: 1. One party has the act violating pre-contract obligation; 缔约过失责任的构成要件:1、缔约一方有违反先合同义务的行为;
Pre-contract obligation evolves directly from regulations. 先合同义务因法律的直接规定而产生,是一种法定义务。
Liability for violating the pre-contract obligation On Trust 违反先合同义务的责任
Pre-contract obligation, an independent system as well as form of obligation, is not associated with or parallel to the infringement liability and liability for breach of contract. Based on the principle of good faith, it provides reasonable relief for the victims. 先合同义务责任是不依附于、平行于侵权责任和违约责任的一种独立的制度和责任形式,它以诚实信用原则为基础,给缔约受害人以公平合理的救济。
Therefore, subscription book bears a duel nature both as a pre-contract and an independent contract. 因此认购书具有买卖合同的订约程序和独立合同的双重地位。
After introducing the current legislative situation in China, it is essential for the pre-contract to be a part of its legal system. 在介绍了我国的立法现状后,提出了将预约合同纳入法律体系的必要性。
The theory has four essentials: The opposite partner ( s) disobey the obligation of the pre-contract; The reliance interest is damaged; One partner has fault; There are consequence between the action of fault liability to contract and the result of damage. 缔约过失责任应具备四个要件:相对方违反先合同义务;信赖利益受到损害;缔约一方具有过错;缔约过失行为与损害结果之间存在因果关系。
The first one provides the definition of the pre-contract obligations. 第一章是先合同义务的界定。
In addition, chapter one also compares the liability of breach labor contract to the contracting fault liability of pre-contract obligation, and post-contract liability. 本章还分析了劳动合同违约责任分别与违反合同订立前的先合同义务的缔约过失责任、违反合同关系消灭后的后合同义务责任的区别。
However, under China law, there are no relevant provisions for a pre-contract. Therefore the parties involved in such a contract cannot be protected by Chinese law. 而我国的法律却未对预约合同作出相关规定,导致预约合同的当事人无法得到法律的保障。
In the fourth part, the specific types of pre-contract obligation in the offer-inviting stage and the corresponding legal consequences one has to bear are discussed in detail. 第四部分,笔者又对要约邀请阶段的先合同义务的具体类型及所要承担的法律后果作了详细论述。
As to the effectiveness of contract, the obligor should subject to performance obligation, subordinated obligation, pre-contract obligation, post-contract obligation and unreal joint obligation under an established contract. 就合同效力而言,合同成立后,债务人负有给付义务、附随义务、先合同义务、后合同义务和不真正义务(对己义务)。
With rapid economic growth, a pre-contract has been widely used in practice for regular trading. 随着经济的快速增长,为了固定交易机会,预约合同在实践中被大量使用。
First, it could exert the prevent function of the pre-contract. 第一,充分发挥事前契约的预防作用。
The third part is the core of this article; the author discusses comprehensively the legal basis on which pre-contract obligation exists in the offer-inviting stage. 第三部分是本文的中心,笔者对要约邀请阶段存在先合同义务的法理基础作了一个系统全面的论述。
Pre-contract obligations, a safeguard of safety and efficiency, have gradually become an important part of the group of contractual obligations. 先合同义务是安全和效率的重要保障,逐渐成为合同义务群中的一个重要组成部分。