Investors will validate pre-existing investments and stock ownership to create an accurate market capitalization sheet for your company. 投资者将确认过去的投资和持股情况,为投资对象的公司创建一个准确的市值表。
It is not yet clear whether their deaths are directly linked to their virus or pre-existing conditions. 目前尚不清楚他们的死亡原因是与病毒还是与原有的疾病直接相关。
In a DNS configuration the hostnames and IP addresses should already be listed in a pre-existing nameserver. 在DNS配置时,主机名和IP地址应该已经被添加到一个已存在的nameserver上。
In the SOA pattern reference example there is a pre-existing catalog application that exposes a Java interface. 在SOA模式参考示例中,有一个之前已有的catalog应用程序,该应用程序公开了一个Java接口。
It is also possible to validate a pre-existing application GUI. 我们还可以对现有的应用程序GUI进行验证。
The analyst can add to the model service elements that represent pre-existing services that provide enforcement points. 分析师可以添加到模型服务元素,这些元素表示提供实施点的已存在服务。
This article described a general method for creating composed patterns from pre-existing patterns and explained how to design and implement one, using a detailed example. 本文描述了从已存在的模式中创建复合模式的普遍方法,并通过一个详细的例子解释了如何设计与实现。
You generate them from pre-existing relational tables ( sometimes referred to as a "bottom-up" approach). 从已存在的关系表格(有时引用为“自底向上”的方法)中生成它们。
From there, the process assembly would continue using the pre-existing assets from the previous business process. 这样,流程组合将继续使用之前业务流程中已经存在的资产。
The existing vaccine priority groups include those with pre-existing medical conditions, their carers and pregnant women. 现有的疫苗接种优先人群包括那些之前就有身体状况的人,还有他们的保健人员,以及孕妇。
But this is also what makes it an ideal candidate for integrating with pre-existing websites. 但这也使得它成为集成到已有站点的理想伴侣。
For example, assume you have pre-existing categories called Culture and Media, and have added tags to a post "Arts" and "Painting". 例如,假如你已经有了一个类别称为文化和媒体,而且已经添加了标签到称为“美术”和“绘画”的文章中。
Pre-existing health problems, such as limited access to healthcare and poverty, further complicate this picture. 先前存在的健康问题,如有限的医疗保健和贫困,远比这张照片要复杂。
However, a pre-existing renal abnormality will increase the risk of rupture. 然而,若存在肾脏的先天性异常则会增加此种破裂的风险。
This is the ancient origins of the rise of Buddhism and Taoism in the pre-existing folk activities. 这是源流古者在佛道教兴起前就有的民俗活动。
The global initiatives may have exacerbated some specific pre-existing weaknesses, but they did not cause them. 全球卫生行动可能加剧了先前已有的某些缺陷,但并不是导致这些缺陷的根源。
Users can use the pre-existing Cmdlets or create their own. 用户可以使用预设定的Cmdlet,或者自己创建。
There was certainly a sort of mysterious and pre-existing harmony between this creature and this church. 在这个生物和这座建筑之间,一定存在着某种神秘的超人的协调。
This means there is unlikely to be pre-existing resistance to the new compounds. 这就意味着不太可能提前出现针对这些新的化合物的耐药性。
Sometimes the intense monitoring that patients get during and after surgery reveals a silent pre-existing arrhythmia. 有时患者在手术和术后接受的严格的监测,揭示了患者有潜在的心律失常。
The report says pre-existing conditions such as asthma and diabetes make patients more vulnerable. 该报告说诸如哮喘和糖尿病等已经存在的疾病让患者更加易感。
But not fixed up by a pre-existing super-being who designed it all, he stresses. 他强调,但不是由一位预先存在的、设计万物的超级生命来安排。
It was not an explosion in which debris flung out into a pre-existing space. 这和爆炸后撒了一地的残瓦碎片完全是两码事。
They are presumed to evolve from the pre-existing well differentiated liposarcomas. 它们被认为是在已有的分化良好型脂肪肉瘤的基础上发展而来的。
Her death is now thought to have been caused by this pre-existing disease. 现在认为她的死亡是由这种先存疾病造成的。
The citizen then benefits from this pre-existing social capital by becoming a third point in the network. 公民通过成为这个网络的第三点而受益于已经存在的社会资本。
The women had pre-existing cardiovascular disease or three or more coronary risk factors. 这些妇女有先前存在的心血管疾病或有3种及以上的冠心病风险因子。
Language learning therefore seems to develop by linking linguistic forms to universal, pre-existing representations of sound and meaning. 所以语言学习似乎涉及将语言形式与事先存在的对声音和意义的表述联系起来。
A mix of new and pre-existing technologies is required to counter the effects of climate change. 需要用把新的和现存的技术结合起来,从而应对气候变化的效应。