A woman answering the phone at the organizing committee of the Beijing Marathon office confirmed the regulation and said pre-registration for the 2014 Marathon, which will take place on October 19, opens this week. 北京马拉松组委会办公室一位接电话的女士证实,的确有这项规定,她还称2014年马拉松的预登记工作将在本周启动。北京马拉松比赛将在10月19日举行。
Objective: To assess the characteristics of the patients who made appointments for specialist clinics by real name based pre-registration system and analyze the influencing factors for non-attendance. 目的:分析专家门诊实名制预约挂号的失约影响因素,提出降低失约率的措施。
It is open to the public free of charge, subject to pre-registration. 公众人士在事先登记后均可免费参加。
Is pre-registration of substances contained in articles required? 产品中含有的物质是否需要进行预注册?
An Analysis of Demand Tendency and Potential Benefits of Pre-registration in Outpatient Department of Large Scale General Hospital 大型综合性医院门诊预约挂号的需求趋势与应用价值分析
The Conference and Lunch cum Talk are free admission. Pre-registration is required. Due to limited capacity, places will be allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis. 是次研讨会及午餐演讲均不设登记费用.与会者需预先登记.坐位有限,先到先得。
Candidates may fill in any vacancies left by the candidates who have cancelled their pre-registration. 考生可以随时填充已预约考生取消预约所留下的名额。
Pre-registration is considered invalid when a candidate fails to present his/ her pre-registered code, or ID, or any required documentation, in the process of the registration. 考生办理手续不能提供预约代码、预登记的证件和报名材料,视为无效预约。
Should documentary evidence demonstrating the phase-in status of a substance without an EC number be submitted in parallel with pre-registration? 证明没有欧盟编号的某物质是分阶段物质的文件证明材料是否需要与预注册材料一并提交?
If you fail to do the pre-registration online, by presenting your invitation, ID Card and two business cards and filling the registration form at the entrance, you can get the badge on the spot. 如未能进行网上登记的,请您凭参观券、身份证件和两张名片在展馆门口,填写登记卡后,免费领取入门胸卡。
Successful submissions result in the page showing the candidate's personal information, a pre-registration code and a particular time to handle registration procedures. 考生成功提交申请后,预约系统将显示考生提交的信息、预约代码和办理手续的时间。
The status and optimization of outpatient pre-registration in Shanghai municipal hospitals 上海市级医院门诊预约现状及优化研究
Does a downstream user have pre-registration obligations? 下游用户是否有预注册义务?
The test dates opening for pre-registration appear on the system. 预约系统提示允许预约的考试日期和受理的开始时间。
His pre-registration training was followed by doctoral studies back at the School of Pharmacy. 并跟随药学院博士研究进行注册前培训。
For3 days only I am opening pre-registration for this program. 这个项目我只开放3天的预先注册时间。
Once appointed, the only representative shall be responsible for registration and thus also for all other obligations of importers under REACH, including pre-registration. 生产分阶段物质的非共同体生产商是否可仅为了预注册而指定一名唯一代表?
Pre-registration shall be made through the REACH IT system managed by ECHA. 预注册工作应由ECHA管理下的REACH信息系统来完成。
Pre-registration applies only to so-called'phase-in'substances. 预注册只适用于“分阶段物质”。
What you need to do after pre-registration? 预注册之后企业需要做什么?
What are the duties following from pre-registration? 预注册之后有什么需要履行的义务?
What to do if you miss the pre-registration? 企业错过了预注册有什么解决办法?
To reduce the cost of outpatient visit through implementation of ID card based pre-registration model. 通过采用实名预约挂号模式,降低患者就诊就医成本。
How can a non-Community manufacturer help an only representative or an importer in preparing for pre-registration? 非共同体生产商如何协助唯一代表或进口商准备预注册工作?
The candidate must also bring the pre-registration code. 预约的考生必须提供预约代码。
By analyzing the pixels 'grey level distributing character in MR, this paper proposes an automated method to extract the edge, then use chamfer distance transformation in pre-registration processing, this method can give a pixel accuracy start parameters of the Mi-based image registration method. 通过对MR灰度图像特点的分析,我们采用了基于倒角变换的预配准过程,使基于互信息的配准方法获得了像素级精度的初始配准参数。
A new 3D face pre-registration method based on accurate principal axes analysis is proposed in this paper. 论文提出了一种基于精确主轴分析的三维人脸预配准方法。
Performance analysis of pre-registration handoff in mobile IP 移动IP中的提前注册切换机制性能分析
The third part divides the real estate registration into the original registration and pre-registration. It recommends the pre-registration system in German, Japan and Taiwan. 第三部分将不动产登记分为本登记与预备登记两大类,进一步分别介绍了德国、日本和我国台湾地区的预备登记制度。
Pre-registration achieved in the old L2 connection has not yet broken when it began L3 registration. 预先注册实现了在旧的二层连接还没有断时就开始了三层的注册。