ADJ 战前的;(尤指)第二次世界大战以前的 Pre-war is used to describe things that happened, existed, or were made in the period immediately before a war, especially the Second World War, 1939-45.
Compared with the pre-war Kingdom, the size and population of this new Hungary were reduced by about two-thirds; about one-third of the Magyar population became minorities in the neighbouring countries. 比起战前的王国,新匈牙利的大小和人口按大约减少三分之二;大约三分之一的马扎尔人成为了邻国的少数民族。
Over the next decades the Ukrainian republic not only overcame the pre-war levels of industry and productions but was the spearhead of the Soviet power. 以后的几十年中,乌克兰不单单在工业生产上超过了战前水平,并且成为了苏维埃力量的先锋。
The notion that Syria can somehow return to a pre-war status quo is a fantasy. 认为叙利亚好像可以回归战前常态的想法是幻想。
Three professors from Hamburg University's medical faculty travelled last month to Ingeborg's sitting room in east Berlin to test her on the work she carried out in pre-war Germany. 上个月,三名汉堡大学医学系教授来到英格博特位于东柏林的家中,在客厅里对她战前做的研究工作进行考试。
The example of pre-war Japan shows that is never a good thing. 战前日本的例子表明,这绝非好事。
The novel is set in pre-war London. 这部小说以战前的伦敦为背景。
However, the return last month of the Congress party-led ruling coalition with an overwhelming majority has created the opportunity for an infrastructure programme of historic proportions, similar to the pre-war highway construction boom of the US. 然而,上个月国大党领导的联合政府以压倒性多数重新掌权,为一项具有历史意义的基建计划创造了机会,堪比美国战前的公路建设热潮。
As the signs of growing fascism are hinted at in the idyllic pre-war scenes of a pleasant Italian life, Benigni as a Jewish bookseller keeps making light of the troubling signs to his son. 当法西斯主义的苗头渐渐出现在战前意大利舒适的田园般的生活中时,贝尼尼扮演的犹太书商一直在儿子面前保持轻松。
Not only may you see the wooden trolleys, the deep slopes and the marks that pre-war tonglaus left after demolition, one may also smell the Chinese medicine and dried seafood in the Western District. 然而西区仍保留它故有的气息,街头巷尾满布的手推车、药材、米铺和海味等各种气味、战前唐楼的结构遗迹,都诉说著这里的经历;
It was Scotland's first full-time orchestra and as such offered good players a safe haven from the freelance insecurity of pre-war musical life. 这是苏格兰的第一个全职乐团,因此提供了优秀的球员从战前的音乐生活的自由职业者的不安全的避风港。
It has territorial disputes with nearly every surrounding country, most of which still harbour ( or find it useful to harbour) resentment about Japan's pre-war aggression. 日本周边环境复杂,几乎与所有邻国都存在领土争端。大部分邻国仍然对于日本战前的侵略行为耿耿于怀(或者说,觉得耿耿于怀是一种有益的态度)。
It has also formed a paramilitary wing, the Hungarian guard, whose uniforms bear the insignia of pre-war Hungarian fascist parties and which has staged marches in Budapest and has a presence in many small towns. 该党还成立了一个准军事组织匈牙利卫队(hungarianguard),制服上带有战前匈牙利法西斯党的徽章已发展到在布达佩斯城市中行军,而且在很多小城镇拥有势力范围。
As the past unfolds, we learn about the lives of two inseperable boys growing up in pre-war Germany. 揭开尘封的过去,我们了解到生长在战前德国的两个小男孩的生活。
For what hope does Japan have of truly reconciling with its pre-war enemies, if it cannot talk openly with its postwar friends? 如果做不到与战后的盟友开诚布公地对话,日本又怎能与战前的敌人达成真正的和解呢?
Its signature old jazz band was still playing pre-war favourites, with some of the original octogenarian musicians. 该饭店著名的老年爵士乐队仍在演奏战前人们最喜爱的歌曲,一些元老级乐师已是耄耋之年。
Some Chasseur Officers used the pre-war hunting horn emblem which lacked the RF of the wartime version above. 有些沙瑟尔人员利用战前狩猎号角国徽缺乏战时版本以上的射频。
His production of "Dracula" is one of the classics of the pre-war cinema. 他的电影制作“吸血鬼”,是战前电影中的经典之作之一。
These pre-war schemes, set up in part to compensate for unusually dangerous or demanding work, allow electricity, gas, railway and metro workers, among others, to retire early on full pensions. 该体制于战前创建,目的是对从事高危险和高压力的工作人员进行补贴。计划规定,电力、天然气、铁路和城管等行业人员可以提前退休,并享受全额退休金。
In a more generalized interpretation, these principles are also true for pre-war military force buildup, and even for civilian business and project management. 从广义上解释,这些原理一样对准备战争的军事力量建设,甚至民用业务和项目管理都是正确的。
The plain fact is that the universities now need much larger staffs than they did pre-war. 明显的事实是现在大学需要比战前多得多的工作人员。
The managements compared unfavourably with the pre-war coal-owners. 管理部门比不上战前的煤矿主。
In pre-war Poland it became Lw ó w ( pronounced Ler-voof) and to this day many Poles still use that name. 在战前的波兰,这座城市改名叫Lwów(发音做Ler-voof),直到今天仍有许多波兰人使用这个名字。
Exception was made only for the Roman Carmen, well-known author of pre-war documentaries. 而唯一可以破例的是战前的著名作家,罗曼卡门。
Reviewing Long's novels from pre-war to post-war, we can also sense the difficulty in seeking the social approval as well as the problems in identity itself. 如再就龙瑛呆光复前到光复后的整个小说的脉络来看,我们亦可以察觉出台湾人在光复之际所面临心理认同转换的困境与认同问题的难解。
Japan wants to explore the pre-war period, when it became involved in China at the tail end of a battle for colonial influence among western powers. 日本希望对战前时期进行研究&当时,日本在西方列强在华争夺殖民影响之际介入中国。
The CDU's origins are in the Catholic Centre Party of pre-war Germany, the Greens'in the protest movements of the1960s. 基民盟的前身是二战前的天主教中心党,绿党则起源于1960年代的抗议运动。