But faith listens neither to presumption, nor to despair, nor to cowardice, nor to precipitancy, but it hears God say, "stand still," and immovable as a rock it stands. 但是信心对于傲慢,绝望,懦弱,和急躁等等的话,一概不听,只听神的吩咐,“只管站住”屹立不动,有如磐石。
Despite Angel Clare's plausible representations to himself and to Tess of the practical need for their immediate marriage, there was in truth an element of precipitancy in the step, as became apparent at a later date. 尽管安棋尔克莱尔对自己、对苔丝都说他们立即结婚是一种实际需要,也说得似乎有道理,但是实际上他这样做总是有点儿轻率的,因为这一点在后来是十分明显的。