Study on Influencing Factors of CIRCUMOVAL PRECIPITIN TEST ( copt) for diagnosis of schistosomiasis 影响血吸虫病环卵沉淀试验因素探讨
Effect of Praziquantel on Circumoval Precipitin Test ( COPT) of Schistosoma Japonicum Eggs 吡喹酮对日本血吸虫卵环卵沉淀试验的影响
Evaluation of Improved Circumoval Precipitin Test ( COPT) for Diagnosis of Schistosomiasis Japonica in an Area with Schistosomiasis Basically Eradicated 改进的环卵沉淀反应在基本消灭血吸虫病地区查病效果的评价
Comparison of different methods of CIRCUMOVAL PRECIPITIN tests ( copt) for schistosomiasis japonica 几种日本血吸虫病环卵沉淀试验方法的比较
Study on the diagnosis of paragonimiasis with precipitin reaction 环状沉淀试验诊断肺吸虫病研究
Detection of Pili Antigen by Agar Gel Difffusion Precipitin Test 琼脂扩散沉淀反应检测菌毛抗原的初步研究
Studies on Agar Gel Precipitin Antigen of Newcastle Disease Virus 鸡新城疫琼脂扩散试验抗原的研究
Small-tubing precipitin test techni-que and agar gel diffusion technique were employed in antigen-antibody reaction tests, and gave good results indicating that the antisera so pre-pared produced fairly high titres. 抗原&抗体反应用小管沉淀反应技术及琼脂扩散技术,均获得良好效果,反映制备出的RDV抗血清具有相当高的效价。
Fourty two cases of paragonimiasis caused by Paragonimus skrjabini were diagnosed with precipitin reaction and the results showed that the positive rate was 83.3%. 用环状沉淀试验诊断42例肺吸虫病,阳性率83.3%;
Absorption-inhibition test was carried out to prove that the agglutinin existing in anti-human hemoglobin precipitin serum is essentially anti-human red blood cell agglutinin. 本文通过吸收抑制试验证明了抗人血红蛋白沉淀素血清中存在的那种能凝集人类红细胞的凝集素,实际上就是用人的红细胞免疫家兔而产生的抗人红细胞凝集素。
Studies on the Standardization of PVF-Circumoval Precipitin Test ( PVF-COPT) for Schistosomiasis Japonica 日本血吸虫病PVF抗原片环卵沉淀试验规范化研究
Studies on CIRCUMOVAL PRECIPITIN TEST ( copt) using schistosome eggs dried on slides as antigen 血吸虫干卵抗原片的环卵沉淀试验
A new method for diagnosing pullorum disease in breeding hens& yolk agar precipitin test 诊断种用母鸡白痢病的新方法&蛋黄琼脂沉淀反应
In 42 ℃ group the lanthanum precipitin line was found around the first layer cells of seminiferous epithelium and extend short distance to lumen. 42℃组可见镧沉淀线包绕生精上皮第一层细胞,并向管腔面延伸一短段距离,未越过紧密连接。
8.0 kGy irradiation dose has no effect on the antibody titres of Newcastle disease hemagglutination inhibition ( ND HI) and infectious bursal disease agar gel precipitin ( IBD AGP) in the yolk. 8kGy辐照剂量对高免卵黄液中的新城疫(ND)HI和传染性法氏囊病(IBD)AGP抗体效价无影响。
Results: The three groups of amelogenin A 1, A 2, A 3 reacted with the anti-A 1 antibody, but had a different shape of precipitin, and the enamelin E1 had no cross reaction with this antiserum. 结果:所制备的抗血清与釉原蛋白三种组份A1、A2、A3之间都发生沉淀反应,但沉淀弧形及位置不同,不与釉蛋白E1发生反应。
A weak precipitin line was observed between the concentrated virus and the IBD positive serum or IBD egg york antibody Igy in the AGP test. 浓缩病毒与IBD阳性血清和IBD高免卵黄抗体IgY琼扩反应呈弱阳性。
Agar gel precipitin test is also suitable for further detection of isolates, but antiserum with higher-level antibodies should be prepared. 琼扩试验也适合于对分离株进行进一步检测,但要求制备较高效价的抗血清。
The isolate could react with the antibody of Balb/ c mouse against Ribgrass mosaic virus and formed a single precipitin line in immunodiffusion test. 采用车前革病毒(RMVsh)的Balb/c小鼠腹水抗体,在琼脂双扩散试验中只能与本分离物形成一条清晰的沉淀线。
The Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay ( ELISA) Test For the Identification of Blood-meals in Mosquitoes ──ⅱ. Comparison or ELISA and Precipitin Test on Identification of Human and Bovine Blood Meals in Mosquitoes 酶联免疫吸附试验检测蚊虫嗜血性的研究&Ⅱ.ELISA与沉淀试验鉴定蚊胃中人、牛血的比较
The experimental results showed that the chicks which their IBD serum precipitin level reached up to 1/ 8 could resist infection by IBDV virulent strain, while a part of the chicks which lower than 1/ 4 could not resist the infection. 结果血清IBDV沉淀抗体水平达到1/8的鸡能抵抗IBDV强毒的攻击,低于1/4的部分鸡不能抵抗IBDV强毒的攻击。
The titer of precipitin for Agkistrodon halys 'venom in immune serum was 1 ∶ 10000. In the process of immunization, guinea pigs were given chlorpheniramine ( a kind of an-tihistamine) one hour prior to the 2nd, 3rd immunizing inoculation of toxoid. 免疫血清的蝮蛇毒沉淀素效价达1:10000。
The results showed that the vaccine with N strain got better immunity effect than others in efficacy test and the immunized chickens had 83% of antibody positive rate by agar gel precipitin test and complete specific protection. 免疫效力试验结果表明,以N株鸡传染性喉气管炎病毒制备的油乳剂灭活疫苗免疫效果较其它几种疫苗好,免疫鸡AGP抗体阳性率高达83%,免疫保护率高达100%。
The agar diffusion and quantitative precipitin reaction show that the antigenicity of BSA decreases considerably after NBS treatment. 琼脂扩散及免疫定量实验结果显示NBS处理后BSA的抗原性减弱。
Study on the Agar Gel Precipitin Test to Detect Antigen and Antibody of the Gosling New Type Viral Enteritis 琼脂扩散试验检测雏鹅新型病毒性肠炎病毒及抗体的研究