It's long been regarded as pseudoscience, but precognition – that is, the ability to not just predict but to actually perceive the future – is getting a fair shake in some scientific circles lately. 长期以来,人们一直认为预知是伪科学,但最近在某些科学家圈子里,预知不仅是预测还包括准确感知未来的能力开始得到了一定的认可。
Prerequisites: Craft Psionic Arms and Armor, combat precognition; 先决条件:“制造灵能武器及防具”、“战斗预感”;
Experience of precognition nursing in pre-hospital care of serious multiple injury patients 预见性思维在严重多发伤患者的院前急救护理
Representative powers include clairaudience/ clairvoyance, object reading, precognition, and ubiquitous vision. 该系典型异能包括锐耳术/鹰眼术、阅读物体、预知术和全域视野。
He alleges that precognition, telepathy and clairvoyance are the three main categories of extrasensory perception. 他声称未卜先知、心灵感应和超人的视觉是三种主要的超感官能力。
In Wang Yangming's life, there are three strange phenomena: his precognition in Yang-ruing Cave, his awareness of Tao in Longehang and his luminosity on his coming to a close. 在王阳明生平中,有三个奇怪现象:阳明洞先知、龙场彻悟和临终光明;
No precognition is necessary when we are talking of nothing more than a fully formed but latent ability, such as the potential to stop watching the cricket and go prune the roses instead. 如果只是在谈论某种我们完全具备但还未运用的能力,比如停止观看板球、而去修剪玫瑰的潜能,我们不需要预知未来。
Using a limited form of precognition, zealots can even predict enemy movements striking, with deadly accuracy and dodging attacks by inches. 狂热者还会运用他们有限的预知能力判断敌人的移动和攻击,从而给予致命的精确的近距离攻击。
For example, the combat precognition power provides a+ 1 insight bonus to Armor Class, and it is effective against touch attacks of all kinds. 例如,战斗预感异能为防御等级提供+洞察加值,这对所有类型的接触攻击都有效。
This method can not only let the connecting rod be located at two given positions but also let the rocker possesses the properties of a movement intermittence, a self locking mechanism and a precognition function of quick return at those two positions. 该方法不但使连杆实现给定的两个位置,而且在该两位置摇杆具有运动间歇,机构自锁和预知急回性能等特性。
The Inside Information of the construction of a Hospital s Culture: Kind Heartedness, Kind Technology& the sentiment after reading the two articles: Feeling and understanding and Precognition 仁心·仁术:医院文化建设的底蕴&读《感悟》与《先知》两文的感想
On the Core Precognition Ability of the Investigators 论侦查员的核心预审业务能力
The wavelet analysis in different levels for the disturbed signal of the sensors, extracting precognition features of the disturbance signal, effectively filtering the measured data and reducing disturbance fluctuation of wavefront can be carried out by this technique, thus performing centroid detection more accurately. 这项技术可以对传感器的信号干扰在时间域上进行不同层次的小波分析,提取干扰信号的先验特征,对测量数据进行有效的滤波,减小波前的扰动起伏,以更准确地探测质心。
It explores the cultural foundation via "precognition" and conscious structure existing in folk life, religion and idea, these cultural elements. At the end the author summarizes the main idea of the above-stated chapters. 通过存在于民俗生活、宗教、观念等文化要素中的预知未来现象及其意识结构,探索预知未来故事的文化基础;论文最后部分为结语,总结了上述各章节内容的要旨。
The subject of this paper: To investigate from the view of Typology a series of stories and culture with the Motiv of "precognition" in Taiping Guangji. 本文主旨为:从类型学角度考察《太平广记》中带有预知未来母题的一系列故事及其文化内涵。