Construction of reinforcing by plastic drainage board and vacuum precompression technique 塑料排水板真空预压地基加固技术的施工
Surcharge precompression combined with vertical drains Method has been proved to be a normal and effective way to improve soft clay ground. 袋装砂井堆载预压法是一种常用的软土地基处理方法。
Cast-in-place box Liang uses the full house support to erect, piles carries the precompression overall cast-in-place. 现浇箱梁采用满堂支架架设,堆载预压整体现浇。
Firstly, the testing principle with axial precompression stress is re-examined based on one-dimensional wave theory. 首先按照一维应力波传播理论,对动静组合加载的试验原理进行理论论证。
By analyzing these data and the characteristic of alluvial flat soft clay, the methods that control embankment construction and precompression are brought forward. 通过对这些数据的分析,结合河滩相软土特点,提出软土地基路堤施工控制的最薄弱层法和预压期控制方法。
This paper introduces the compound foundation of DJM Piles, the application of vacuum-heaped load combined precompression and heaped load precompression drainage consolidation to weak subgrade treatment of highways. It specially introduces the application of vacuum-heaped load combined precompression method. 阐述了粉喷桩复合地基,真空堆载联合预压以及堆载预压排水固结在高速公路软基处理方面的应用,并重点介绍了真空堆载联合预压的应用。
Strengthening a Reinforcement Concrete Grouting Pile Foundation with the Precompression Supporting and Changing Method 预压托换法加固补强钢筋混凝土灌注桩基础
The simple bounding surface elastoplastic-viscoplastic model was used in Biot 'consolidation theory. The deformation and pore pressure of road soft clay improved by heaped load precompression was calculated numerically. 在Biot固结理论中使用简化的边界面弹塑/粘塑性模型,对超载预压法处理公路软基全过程的变形和孔压进行数值计算。
Through the comparison of the effects before and after the soft foundation treatment by the method of vacuum-heap combined precompression, the paper concludes that the usage of this method to treat soft foundation has good economic and social benefits. 文章通过对真空-堆载联合预压软基处理前后效果对比,得出此种方法处理软土地基具有较好的经济和社会效益。
Discussion on Setting Cement Concrete Pavement Contraction Joint Used by Precompression Rigid Plastics Plate Trough 采用预压硬质塑料板槽设置水泥混凝土路面缩缝的探讨
A study on vacuum and surcharge preloading method Improving the Precompression Effect of Plywood Base 真空联合堆载预压提高板坯预压效果的研究
The construction technology and practical effect of overloading precompression engineering for rubble bed of the coal terminal of Guangdong Shajiao C Power Plant are introduced. 本文介绍了广东沙角C电厂煤码头抛石基床超载预压的施工工艺及其实际效果。
Study on Surcharge Ratio and Unloading Control of Surcharge Precompression 超载预压法的超载比及卸载控制研究
This dissertation introduces the necessity, mechanism and developing of the vacuum-heaped load combining precompression in the Consolidation of the Soft Highway foundation. 本文阐述了用真空堆载联合预压法加固软土路基的必要性、机理和发展现状。
Comparing the general vertical tendon, the advantage of U type vertical tendon represent to bring monolithic precompression stress on web concrete in the U region, which restrict the appearance and magnitude of web principle tensile stress. 与普通型竖筋相比,U型竖筋的优势是可以使U型区域内的腹板混凝土受到整体预压应力作用,限制腹板主拉应力的出现和大小。
The paper introduces construction technology and difficult points in construction of continuous beam cast in place on freeway, poses the approach which the beam mould board frame can be suitable for precompression controlling, and has verified it with examples. 介绍了高速公路现浇连续箱梁施工工艺及施工难点,提出了一种高速公路现浇连续箱梁模板支架实用预压控制方法,并结合实例对该方法进行了验证。
Study on Highway Construction and Precompression Control on River Alluvial Flat Soft Clay 河滩相软土路堤填筑期和预压期控制研究
Moreover, the additional settlement induced by lateral displacement was discussed. 4 、 The evaluation of surcharge preloading and the determination of precompression period were studied in theory. 从理论上探讨了超载预压加固效果的评价指标和预压期的确定方法,区分了压缩度和固结度,并给出了基于实测资料的工后沉降推算方法。
Within the precompression period, sedimentation of soft clay ground has a clear hyperbola relationship to time history. Hence, hyperbola can be employed to deduce the eventual or residual sedimentation at any time. 在预压期内,软土地基沉降与时间呈现良好的双曲线关系,可采用双曲线法推算软土地基的最终沉降量和任意时间的剩余沉降量。
Field experimental study on surcharge precompression combined with vertical drains 袋装砂井超载预压法的现场试验研究
The method of add Loading precompression on the plastic plank to work on the weak base is the one of the basic way to the stuffing sea area. 塑料排水板加载预压法对软弱地基进行处理,是近年来对填海区地基采用的基本方法之一。
Undercharge Precompression and Stage Construction of Pavement 欠载预压与路面的分期修建
Experimental research of surcharge precompression on mud 淤泥质粘土的超载预压试验研究
Based on the field test results, it is considered that, after strengthening by surcharge precompression, the post construction settlement of the freeway of Xiamen city will be small enough to satisfy the strict requirement of ground deformation. 通过对测试成果的系统分析,认为厦门某高速公路地基经过加固处理后,其地基工后沉降能满足设计对地基变形的严格要求。
Influence of axial precompression level on axial vibrations in transformer windings 变压器绕组轴向预紧力对绕组轴向振动特性的影响
The mathematical model of surcharge precompression on ground with sand drains is established for optimization design. In this model, economic utility is the object function; the post-construction settlement and the rate of settlement of soft subsoil are constraint conditions. 以经济效益为目标函数,软土地基路基工后沉降、沉降速率双控制指标为约束条件,建立了砂井联合超载预压处理软土地基的优化设计模型。
Property of Treat Foundation Soil with Vacuum-Heaped load Precompression 真空堆载联合预压处理地基土性质分析
This paper analyses the behavior of the sand drain subgrade in the process of filling and precompression with the plain strain FEM, incorporating the nonlinearity constitutive relation ( Duncan's mode) into the Biot's consolidation theory program. 将非线性弹性本构关系(Duncan模型)引入Biot固结理论有限元程序,模拟实际施工过程,对砂井地基进行平面应变有限元分析。
Simulates the real load process, analyzes it the influence which distorts to the vacuum precompression, then can propose that enhances the vacuum precompression effect the measure and the reduced vacuum precompression ground the measure which affects to the periphery building. 模拟真实的加载过程,分析其对真空预压变形的影响,进而能够提出提高真空预压加固效果的措施和减少真空预压加固地基对周围建筑物影响的措施。