For tables that use cascading referential integrity constraints, such as the on delete cascade clause and the on update cascade clause, replication now supports merge operations on precomputed partitions. 现在,对于使用级联引用完整性约束(例如,ondeletecascade子句和onupdatecascade子句)的表,复制支持预计算分区上的合并操作。
If a publication does not meet the requirements, it can be changed, and then precomputed partitions can be enabled. 如果发布不满足下列要求,可对其先进行更改,然后即可启用预计算分区。
To improve testing data compression ratios, a test-bit-rearrangement algorithm and an end-flag alternation-run-length code scheme are proposed based on the characteristics of precomputed test sets. 为了提高测试数据压缩率,根据预先计算测试集的特点,文章提出了一种测试位重组算法和端标记交替-连续编码方案。
Heightmap patches beyond basemap distance will use a precomputed low res basemap. 高度图面片超出底图距离将使用一个预先计算的低解析度底图。
This paper discusses computing backlash of the gear pair and output mechanism of shaft of pin kind according to the requirement of tolerance of designing and manufacturing and the probable maximum and minimum values of backlash are precomputed, using probabilistic method. 文中叙述齿轮副的回差计算和销轴输出机构的回差计算,是根据设计制造的公差要求,按概率统计的方法预算出可能出现的最大与最小的回差值。
It improves the precision of this analysis by making use of certain types of kill information that can be precomputed efficiently, and computing aliases generated in each procedure instead of holding at the exit of each procedure. 通过如下方法来提高了分析的精度:利用某些特定类型的注销(kill)信息,这些信息可以提前计算;计算每个过程内产生的别名信息,而不是只计算每个过程的出口点产生的别名信息。
In most commercial OLAP systems today, the summary tables that are to be precomputed are picked first, followed by the selection of appropriate indexed on them. 在今天大多数的商用OLAP系统上,预聚集的表被预先选择出来,在聚集表上并选择适合的索引。
Lengths of runs of 0s and 1s, as well as alternating bits in test sequences are directly encoded to compress a precomputed test set without limitation only to the run of 0s as proposed. 该文在测试序列中直接编码连续的0和1以及交替变化位的长度,压缩一个预先计算的测试集,无需像其它文章中受限制仅仅编码连续的0。
Research on Precomputed Interactive Global Illumination 基于预计算的交互式全局光照明研究
Recently developed precomputed techniques partly solved this problem for static scenes, but are not suitable for dynamic scenes. 近年来流行的预计算技术部分地解决了静态场景的全局光照明计算,但无法直接适用于动态场景。
Our algorithm is easy to implement in both hardware and software, works for any elliptic curve over finite field F2m, requires no precomputed multiples of a point, needs less memory, and is faster on average than the addition-subtraction method. 该算法易于软硬件实现,可应用于有限域F2m上的任意一条椭圆曲线,不需要进行点的倍加的预计算,占用内存少,运行速度平均上比加减法算法更快。
Global illumination rendering with fixed materials can be solved by precomputed radiance transfer ( PRT). 固定材质的实时全局光照明绘制可以采用预计算辐射传输(PRT)的方法来实现。
In this dissertation, firstly, it introduces model-based anomaly detection method. And these detection methods can retrofit efficient attack detection ability to vulnerable programs. These detection methods restrict a process 'execution by using a precomputed model of normal and expected behavior. 本文首先介绍了基于模型的异常检测方法及其这种方法对脆弱进程进行攻击的检测能力,这些检测方法使进程的执行被限定在一个具有正常期望行为的预先定义的模型中。
The algorithm includes three contributions: light path separation, precomputed transfer tensors, mirror separation and tensor decomposition of BRDFs. 算法主要包含三个创新点:光路切分,预计算传输张量,针对BRDF的镜面项分离和张量分解。
The proposed algorithm samples a 3D tree by precomputation, and then uses interpolation of precomputed images to get the final display image. 算法先在空间中对三维树进行预计算采样,然后通过视点所在方位对预计算图像进行插值操作来得到最后的显示图像。
In this paper, we made a short introduction of the history of photo-realistic rendering, and compared the PRT ( Precomputed Radiance Transfer) technique with traditional rendering techniques. 本文首先简单介绍了真实感图形绘制技术的发展历史,并比较了传统绘制技术和新近被提出的预计算辐射亮度传输的绘制技术的差异。
Moreover, some values can be precomputed and stored so as to further improve the efficiency of the protocol. 2. 而且,协议中的一些数值可以进行预计算,从而进一步改进协议的有效性。