This paper presents the application of down-film vacuum preconcentrator for heat recovery, puts forward the problems and measures against them during the application. 介绍氨汽提尿素装置中使用降膜式真空预浓缩器回收余热的情况和使用过程中遇到的问题及解决措施、经济效益。
The application of down-film vacuum preconcentrator in our plant 降膜式真空预浓缩器在我厂的应用
Analysis of deleterious emission in sculpturing organic glass using GC/ MS coupled with 3-step preconcentrator 有机玻璃雕刻过程中有害气体的3阶段预浓缩GC/MS分析
The determination of trace rare earth elements by micro high performance preconcentrator on-line ion-exchange-icp-aes in foods 食品中痕量稀土元素微型高效富集器离子交换预富集-ICP-AES-联用分析方法的研究
The research and design of Embed Control System is the focus of this paper, main content of which includes: Analyze the structure of the preconcentrator and the components which are controlled by embed control system. 本课题对此仪器的嵌入式控制系统的设计研究主要内容包括:分析仪器的整体组成结构。